Optimzing Google Adsense - Part 1

Written by Tom Barr

Web publishers are discovering that Google Adsense is a great way to generate revenue from their content rich sites. Google Adsense provides a simple sign up process and a simple system that generates cut-and-paste code that will display ads onrepparttar site that are matched torepparttar 100811 site's content. With 15 minutes of effort and a brief wait for approval, a webmaster will be set to receive about half of his potential revenue stream from Adsense. The other half ofrepparttar 100812 revenue takes a little thinking and work.

AD LAYOUT The shape ofrepparttar 100813 ad will have a great affect on clickthrough rate. If you choose to use a format that is very familiar and easily ignored, like a traditional banner ad shape (468 by 60 pixels), your performance will be poor. If you choose a newer format like a tower (120 wide by 600 tall) you will see better performance. www.CFNewbie.com utilizes this format. You will also see higher clickthrough rates asrepparttar 100814 overall size ofrepparttar 100815 ad grows. If your site allows it, go withrepparttar 100816 biggest and newest shapes that Adsense offers.

COLOR The color of your Adsense ads can affectrepparttar 100817 way users respond. You can be subtle and blend intorepparttar 100818 rest ofrepparttar 100819 page and may draw people to links as they appear to offer more information rather than standing out screaming come buy something. The subtle approach can be accomplished by selectingrepparttar 100820 standard Google Adsense color scheme closest to your site's scheme or you can match exactly usingrepparttar 100821 custom pallet.

You may want to attract attention to your Adsense ads. You can do this by selecting or creating color schemes that stand out. You will also want to userepparttar 100822 mulitple color scheme feature by selecting several color schemes by holding down your control (Ctrl) key and clicking up to four choices. The varying color schemes may get more notice than a constant color scheme.

POSITION The position of your Google Adsense ad can have affect on how wellrepparttar 100823 ad performs. Avoid blindspots and consider how a visitor exits a page. The most likely blindspot to avoid isrepparttar 100824 traditional spot for banner ads. Visitors will likely ignore a banner shaped ad atrepparttar 100825 top or bottom of your page. They will likely ignore a tower placed atrepparttar 100826 top ofrepparttar 100827 right or left column ifrepparttar 100828 content extends beyondrepparttar 100829 length ofrepparttar 100830 ad. Inrepparttar 100831 case of content rich pages, it would be wise to test placing non-banner shaped ads atrepparttar 100832 end ofrepparttar 100833 page whererepparttar 100834 reader is done with a page and ready to exit. ChristianMusician.com uses this technique effectively atrepparttar 100835 end of articles, offeringrepparttar 100836 reader more articles and relavent ads. It's always a good idea to give your visitors a path through your site that is relavent and valuable to both you and them.

How to Improve Your Communication Skills

Written by Ken Nadreau

Are you a skilled communicator? Well that's a good thing if you're inrepparttar business of selling things to other people!

But are you absolutely sure that every word you say is received by those you speak with, or write to, inrepparttar 100810 way you intend them to be?

You might be surprised how your words are analyzed and interpreted by your potential customers.

Here's a few things to think about before you write your next piece. Everything you're about to read is based on a "presupposition" of NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP is a relatively new process of self discovery and is used widely as a serious training tool for business people of all fields.

The Meaning of a Communication isrepparttar 100811 Response You Get

But that's not what I meant!!!

How many arguments have that little gem in them? I know that I've often been heard saying that aroundrepparttar 100812 house. Unfortunately for me, andrepparttar 100813 countless others who've uttered those words, what you meant doesn't matter if it isn't understood that way.

The next two presuppositions tie in very closely, so let's look at them and them summarizerepparttar 100814 three together . . .

You Cannot Fail to Communicate

Whatever you do or say is a form of communication. From verbal expression to body language, everything conveys something about what you're thinking.

For example, you clicked your mouse and opened this article. By doing so, you communicated to me that you're seeking knowledge that you might not yet possess. You've implied that you're willing to issue me a particle of trust that my efforts could bring you that knowledge you seek. You've told me that you're interested in this subject matter. You've let me know that you're willing to take some reasonable risks, and so on and so on.

Yes, communication can be anything from a mouse click, to a facial expression, to cringing in your comfortable chair while watching a scary movie on TV, to giving a full blown oration in front of thousands of people.

It's all about relaying inforamtion from you, to someone else, or torepparttar 100815 whole wide world! You can't help it. In fact none of us can because it's a part of life and inbred in us as living creatures!

If You Aren't Gettingrepparttar 100816 Response You Want, Do Something Different

So far we've learned that communication is inevitable. As a living, breathing creature, everything we do or say relates a story about how we feel at any given moment. We've also seen thatrepparttar 100817 meaning of a communication, or its intent, means little in comparison to reception and/or interpretation.

The obvious conclusion then, if it's important to do so, is to figure out how to communicate what you mean and have it received inrepparttar 100818 way you intend it to be received. Asrepparttar 100819 sub-heading states, this might mean doing something different in order to reach that goal.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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