Open Sesame - Password Security

Written by Terrence F. Doheny

Open Sesame – Password Security

“Open Sesame!” is probablyrepparttar most famous password in literature. It gave Ali Baba access to vast treasure. Inrepparttar 107664 realm of technology, computer passwords also give access to valuable treasures: precious business and personal data.

Information about your personal life, buying habits, credit quality and life style is valuable to those who can profit from it. Forrepparttar 107665 Corporation, information has even greater worth. It is notrepparttar 107666 “Bricks and Mortar” butrepparttar 107667 intangibles such as intellectual property, client lists, market strategies, pricing and compensation that account for over halfrepparttar 107668 value ofrepparttar 107669 modern enterprise.

All of this personal and business data most likely resides on a database somewhere and is available with a password. In fact, passwords arerepparttar 107670 most common means of entry in any system. They are also acknowledged asrepparttar 107671 most vulnerable points for security. “Weak” or compromised passwords arerepparttar 107672 easiest way for hackers to gain entry into a system.

Simple or short passwords can be easily discovered through “brute force” or “dictionary” attacks which concentrate intense computer power to crack a password. A two letter password, for example, has only 676 combinations. A password with eight letters offers more safety with 208,000,000 combinations.

Ideally, a password should consist of 8 or more characters. They should also contain a mixture of upper and lower case letters, symbols and numbers. “A$d3B5i9X” would be an example. Microsoft security has encouragedrepparttar 107673 concept ofrepparttar 107674 “Pass Phrase” as an alternative. A phrase such as,”TheLastGoodBookUBoughtCost$25!” has all ofrepparttar 107675 needed elements and is also easy to remember.

The history of Printer Ink Cartridges

Written by Keith Kingston

Withrepparttar introduction ofrepparttar 107663 inkjet printer and printer ink cartridge in 1984,repparttar 107664 task of printing your documents and changing printer ink cartridges became more convenient, reliable and cleaner thanrepparttar 107665 previous methods of changing ribbons or inserting a toner cartridge.

Prior to 1984,repparttar 107666 ink delivery systems were not as dependable as they are now. The inkjet system replacedrepparttar 107667 old dot matrix method, which required changing a ribbon. It wasn’t long beforerepparttar 107668 printer industry began conceptualizing a new ink delivery technique, includingrepparttar 107669 drop on demand method. Several companies wererepparttar 107670 driving forces behind developingrepparttar 107671 inkjet technology, and by 1990repparttar 107672 method was widely accepted. Today it isrepparttar 107673 method of choice for printing requirements, and will print both black and white documents as well as color graphics and photos.

The quality is excellent, thanks torepparttar 107674 development of printer ink cartridges. It is possible to print on many different sizes and types of paper, fabric, film, etc. These printers are used in businesses, in schools andrepparttar 107675 homes of millions of people worldwide.

Each printer uses a specific printer ink cartridge, most often one each of black and color. Each cartridge is given an identifying number and listsrepparttar 107676 model number of each printer in which it can be used. While each printer manufacturer recommends its own brand of printer ink cartridge, it is possible to refillrepparttar 107677 cartridge yourself, or purchase a refilled, remanufactured or a compatible cartridge.

There are two types of refilled cartridges: You can do it yourself with a kit that allows you to refill your own cartridge. Refill kits are available at a very low price and are sometimesrepparttar 107678 choice of those who don’t mind doingrepparttar 107679 filling in order to save money. The other alternative is to buy a refilled cartridge from a manufacturer. This method involves drilling, filling and sealing an empty cartridge.

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