Online dating, why not?

Written by Brenda Dennick

So, you're looking to meet that "special someone". You have triedrepparttar bars, blind dates, churches, grocery stores, etc, all with little or no success. What have you got to lose by trying one, or even a few, ofrepparttar 128662 many different online singles services? Absolutely nothing!

As a former dating service professional, with both matchmaking and video dating services, I would encourage anyone to spend a little time on their computer and explorerepparttar 128663 possibilities available with online dating. For a low cost, convenient, private avenue for searching for other quality singles, online dating can be a very rewarding and interesting experience.

Online services typically charge a monthly subscription fee around $20 - $30 for a "Standard" package or program. These fees can increase, as you add more ofrepparttar 128664 features offered throughrepparttar 128665 service, often times enhancing your membership. Some services even offer their standard features FREE! Either way, it is a relatively low investment compared torepparttar 128666 thousands of dollars, and long term memberships, typically charged byrepparttar 128667 traditional dating services. Don't get me wrong, although traditional dating services and matchmakers can be quite expensive, many people have enjoyed great successes through their memberships and you may eventually want to try one as well. But to start, go cheap, go convenient, go online!

There are some online dating sites that also do compatibility testing and personality profiling. These features help members find other quality singles who are similar to themselves and complement their lifestyle. The testing and profiling also helps determine what qualities and characteristics one should look for in a mate. This might seem a bit confusing and overwhelming, but it is actually quite easy. Most sites have online help should you have any questions or need assistance. Some sites will even offer suggestions on possible matches.

Boost Brain Power By Learning A Language

Written by Steve Gillman

Hablas Espaņol?

Do you speak any other languages? Maybe you've considered how good it would feel to be able to speak to people in another language, but did you know it also expandsrepparttar range of your possible thoughts? It's true. There are concepts in each language that don't exist in others, as well as different expressions. These can give you new ways to think, and change your perspective on things.

Changing Your Perspective Through Language

It is no coincidence that many Americans see money as something created, rather than as a static quantity to be divided up. English, after all, is one ofrepparttar 128660 few languages that speaks of "making" money. In most languages,repparttar 128661 verb used is "to gain," or "to take," or "to get." Each of these affectrepparttar 128662 ways in which people think about money. Personally, I think "making money" is a very healthy perspective.

In Spanish, you are not thirsty or cold or afraid. You say "I have thirst (yo tengo sed)", "I have coldness (yo tengo frio)," or "I have fear (yo tengo miedo)." So what isrepparttar 128663 difference?

Did you know thatrepparttar 128664 best therapists will tell you to stop saying or thinking things like "I am afraid?" It creates too much identification withrepparttar 128665 feeling. It is healthier to say "I feel fear." You are a human; fear, like all feelings, is just a temporary visitor.

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