Online Success- Just $100,000 will get you started!

Written by Paul White

I can't believerepparttar amount of people who say that they are 'entrepreneurs' with their own 'online business', but who treat it just like a 'hobby' or a 'game' to fit inbetween their other leisure activities.

Beforerepparttar 102602 advent ofrepparttar 102603 Internet, a business required a massive investment to get started. People would think in terms of at least 3-5 years before they recovered what they had paid out, and were making a profit.

Nowadays you can start an online 'business' for next to nothing, but for some reason people expect to make a profit from it immediately, and are then disappointed when it doesn't happen.

If only people could put inrepparttar 102604 same level of commitment, as they would if they had spent tens of thousands of dollars setting up an offline business, then far more people would be successful.

If only people could stop thinking of their online business as if it were a lottery ticket. There are no instant winnings, and instant gratification.

And don't forgetrepparttar 102605 fact that most people with a lottery ticket are losers!

Success is not easy. It takes time, butrepparttar 102606 rewards you eventually receive are worth far more than any lottery win!

No one successful ever said it was easy. And if people do say it is easy then they are lying!

As you probably know, most people start off trying to make money online, by signing up with an affiliate program.

An affiliate program allows anyone at all to start up a business for virtually nothing.

But just because it is so easy, and free, to sign up for an affiliate program, it is easy to makerepparttar 102607 mistake of thinking that there is no work involved either, or to believe that you will never experience problems like you do with any other business.

Most people also think that because they have a great looking affiliate website, then that is all they need.

Yet 95% of people fail with their affiliate sites. Why do you think that is?

I would say thatrepparttar 102608 fact that it cost them nothing to get started accounts for a lot of it!

Atrepparttar 102609 first hurdle they come across, most people give up. It cost them nothing, so it is easy to walk away, because they will have lost nothing.

The Four Best Ways to Market Your Affiliate Program

Written by Declan Dunn

If you look aroundrepparttar Internet, you would thinkrepparttar 102601 only way to promote an affiliate program is via banner ads. Everyone creates banner ads and invites people to place these at their site.

Yet for many affiliate programs,repparttar 102602 banner ad is simply a poor form of advertising. It encourages a limited response, is stuck onrepparttar 102603 top or bottom ofrepparttar 102604 screen, and does little if anything forrepparttar 102605 affiliate, or your network.

If you are going to use banner ads, be sure to drive them to one product page, or even better, to a sign up form where you can email them. These arerepparttar 102606 best methods to put banner ads into action.

Okay, so what works better than banner ads for affiliate network? Here are some ideas:

Email/ezine promotions to a qualified list:

One ofrepparttar 102607 funniest, common realizations at a recent conference was that customers do not buy untilrepparttar 102608 third or fourth visit to a Web Site. Direct response marketing has been built on this fact for years, following up initial contacts with repeated messages inviting people to visit. Email isrepparttar 102609 best means to conduct this and to keep up with repparttar 102610 volumes of email that come with a new affiliate program.

Yetrepparttar 102611 real power of email comes inrepparttar 102612 endorsed mailing.

When an ezine or list has been developed, with a trust betweenrepparttar 102613 writer andrepparttar 102614 audience,repparttar 102615 endorsement is gold. It moves people from being strangers to being introduced to you personally. The unfamiliar is replaced by a recommendation from someone they trust. Response rates to email offerings are much greater; a recent article about repparttar 102616 December Internet retail push claimed a 300% increase in sales via email than via other methods. This isrepparttar 102617 hottest, unknown affiliate promotion available.

Text Links/Endorsement With Banner:

PC World does an excellent job of increasingrepparttar 102618 response to their affiliate programs. PC World has an audience who buys online; over 90% of their audience have bought online. They are extremely selective with who they make their affiliate partners, for a good reason; they are good at selling advertising space, so little of this space is dead.

When they do use affiliate networks, they favor a small banner ad that can sit in a side bar ofrepparttar 102619 page, or at least not dominaterepparttar 102620 page. Torepparttar 102621 right ofrepparttar 102622 small banner "button" is text that describesrepparttar 102623 benefits behind clicking on that banner ad. The text is a link,repparttar 102624 banner is a link, and by combiningrepparttar 102625 visual with a short text description, they are able to group affiliate programs on a single Web Page. It is an extremely effective method of offering more than one product on a page, without overwhelmingrepparttar 102626 visitor. Once again, words dorepparttar 102627 explaining that pictures can’t, and a picture tells a thousand words. Together, they are a potent affiliate advertising tool.

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