Online Shopping – Whatever you want!

Written by Olivia Lambeth

Everyone’s talking about online shopping. Withrepparttar convenience ofrepparttar 149248 Internet, people from all acrossrepparttar 149249 globe can practically shop anywhere, anytime and anyplace, all fromrepparttar 149250 comfort of their own home. Opening a new door to a worldwide marketplace, consumers from aroundrepparttar 149251 world are constantly in search forrepparttar 149252 best sites to visit to meet their every need. With this, this article will show you some ofrepparttar 149253 more unique and best sites to visit. You will be amazed at what you’ve been missing all this time!

Vintage fashion is definitelyrepparttar 149254 place for vintage clothing. If you are looking for anything that is unique, old, interesting or simply out of this world, you will definitely be able to find it here. Items here date way back torepparttar 149255 20s, but anything fromrepparttar 149256 hippy 70s torepparttar 149257 swinging 60s is common in this store. This site is simply so cool, you can conduct searches through different decades, by designer names, according to conventional departments (men’s, women’s, children’s, accessories, etc.) or simply just byrepparttar 149258 individual shops thatrepparttar 149259 site represent.

Shoes, shoes and more shoes If you typical woman with a soft spot for shoes, then you must not miss This site is just every woman’s dream store, as every shoe imaginable can be found here. In fact, there are shoes of all shapes and sizes to suit every variety of occasions. In fact,repparttar 149260 good thing about Zappo is that if it doesn’t fit after you buy it, you get to return your shoes with free shipping and handling! Nothing else can possibly beat this.

Elegant decor Need stuff to decorate your home? Then you must check out this catalog company’s online store. Just by browsing around at, you will find decorative pieces that you never thought could fit into your home. Their cutlery is simply exquisite and you can find all types of table linens just right to fit into your home décor. That’s not all; if you look closer you will know that elegance is within each item displayed on this site, from bathroom towels to bed linen even down torepparttar 149261 stationery items and antique clocks.

How to Boost Conversion Rates, While Lowering Merchant Account Fees!

Written by Eric Graham

Using an Address Verification System (AVS) when processing your online credit card transactions can help to reducerepparttar number of fraudulent transactions you receive. However, most online merchants don’t know that using AVS can also reduce your number of legitimate orders.

Using AVS can hurt your conversion rates in two main ways.

1. If you set your AVS rules to reject all transactions that do not match both street address and zip code, you may be loosing legitimate sales from customers who do not understand thatrepparttar 149182 billing address needs to matchrepparttar 149183 address that their credit card statement is mailed to.

2. The more troublesome problem with AVS occurs when your customer has recently moved. Even if you update your billing address with your credit card company after you move, it can take up to 6 months or longer for them to updaterepparttar 149184 AVS database with your new information (even though they make sure thatrepparttar 149185 bill arrives atrepparttar 149186 right address!)

The worst part about this delay is that often customers will blamerepparttar 149187 merchant if their card gets rejected for this reason. If their credit card bill arrives atrepparttar 149188 right address, they assume that their credit card company updated their information. When a card that they know should work gets rejected by your website, they often become angry with you, not their card provider!

This happened to me recently. I moved my family into a larger home over eight months ago andrepparttar 149189 debit card that I use for most of my online purchases still gets rejected unless I use my old billing address, even thoughrepparttar 149190 bank statement has come to our new address from day one!

The solution torepparttar 149191 first problem is quite easy. Simply make sure that you use a statement near your “Billing Address” fields telling your customers something alongrepparttar 149192 lines of, “To speed processing of your order, please ensure your billing address matchesrepparttar 149193 address on your credit card statement.”

Include this type of statement near your “Billing Address” fields and your AVS matches will improve.

In markets with historically low attempted fraud rates, you can also try loosening your AVS rules a bit. Most AVS systems check bothrepparttar 149194 number inrepparttar 149195 street address andrepparttar 149196 zip code. By setting your AVS rules to accept transactions that match for only one ofrepparttar 149197 two AVS numbers, but still rejecting transactions that do not match for both, you can improverepparttar 149198 number of successful transactions. If you attempted fraud rate is very low you can even try accepting transactions that fail both AVS checks, but flagrepparttar 149199 transactions for additional follow up before shipping.

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