Online Investing & Stock & Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors & Traders Go Broke

Written by John Atkinson

Are you attracted torepparttar idea of being in control of your financial future, but confused about how to start investing inrepparttar 142601 stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes?

Or maybe you're disappointed with your performance so far? Does it sometimes feel like every time you takerepparttar 142602 plunge and buy intorepparttar 142603 market,repparttar 142604 price goes down?

That's understandable...

You've probably attended seminars, read other newsletters or broker reports telling you to buy this or buy that ..... you've probably heard or read a lot of confusing and sometimes conflicting information?

The real surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.

You've worked hard in your life to get your investment nest egg together so far - but now where to from here?

Maybe you want to develop some extra income or even manage your own superannuation retirement fund? For instance, from 1 July 2005, as a result of new rules on ‘choice of superannuation fund’, forrepparttar 142605 first time millions more Australian employees will be able to choose a fund for their future superannuation guarantee contributions.

Maybe you're attracted torepparttar 142606 charts you've seen showingrepparttar 142607 power of compounding investments & have worked outrepparttar 142608 benefits to you of having a higher percentage return?

If you don't want to be saddled with a "do-nothing" portfolio that adds nothing to your bottom line or even worse, goes backwards, then please take a moment to read on.....

The reality is that onlyrepparttar 142609 very few achieve long term success by online trading or investing inrepparttar 142610 stock or share markets aroundrepparttar 142611 world. Even less for those who are online trading inrepparttar 142612 highly leveraged CFD’s, futures, options, FX & other commodities markets.

The good news is thatrepparttar 142613 skills can be learned from expert investors and traders who have gone before you and can lead you acrossrepparttar 142614 minefield. You will still lose - and may lose regularly sometimes - butrepparttar 142615 key difference between those who win or those who lose overall is to keeprepparttar 142616 value of your total losses low compared with your profits gained.

In his definitive book ‘Trade Your way to Financial Freedom’, Dr Van Tharp calls this ‘expectancy’.

Improving your own online investing or trading performance inrepparttar 142617 stock or share market & developing your own home based business requires investors and traders to learn how to strengthen each ofrepparttar 142618 three legs of your investing or trading stool, as first described by Dr Alexander Elder in his books 'Trading for a Living' & 'Come Into my Trading Room':

•Technical Analysis

•Money & Risk Management and •Your own personal Psychology

Atrepparttar 142619 very least, you need all three legs to be very strong - in order to survive, then thrive to successfully make money & outperform inrepparttar 142620 stock or share market. As Dr Elder says,repparttar 142621 stool will not stand on just two legs.

Very experienced online traders and investors John Atkinson and Jim Berg, authors ofrepparttar 142622 soon to be released Investing Online Newsletter© andrepparttar 142623 Online Trading Report©, prefer to add a fourth leg when they invest inrepparttar 142624 stock & share markets - that of fundamental analysis.

This allows them to findrepparttar 142625 most fundamentally sound andrepparttar 142626 technically strongest up trending stocks and shares to increaserepparttar 142627 odds in their favour.

Why Choose a Home Equity Loan?

Written by John Mussi

There are many reasons for choosing a home equity loan. A home equity loan allows homeowners to obtain a loan in addition to their original loan usingrepparttar equity in their home. Home equity loans are generally a second mortgage, and are used for personal use.

Home equity loans are also known as equity release schemes. Home equity loans are aimed mainly at those homeowners that have paid their mortgages off. They can receive a cash lump sum or some income by unlocking that capital.

People take out a home equity loan for a variety of reasons. Some people do it in order to finance home improvements, buy a new car, consolidate their debts or go on holiday. Others may want to receive a regular income source so that they can pay for residential care, or justrepparttar 142600 cost of care.

Home equity loans have fixed rates with longer terms, over a fixed period of time. Home equity loans can be ideal for longer-term financial goals because you receiverepparttar 142601 amount of money you borrow in one lump sum. A home equity line of credit is similar to a credit card, where you may regularly use it up to your credit limit.

One ofrepparttar 142602 premium features of a home equity line of credit is thatrepparttar 142603 interest rate is typically lower than that of a credit card.

A Home Equity Loan will usually mean that you get better interest rates, but you should always remember that your house is at risk if you fail to repayrepparttar 142604 Home Equity Loan.

The amount you can borrow with a Home Equity Loan depends onrepparttar 142605 amount of equity in your property. Equity isrepparttar 142606 market value of your property minus any outstanding mortgage or loans you have on it.

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