Online Business Broker: Take The Stress Out Of Selling Your Business

Written by Jeff Smith

Online Business Broker - Take The Stress Out of Selling Your Business

You've spent several months, perhaps years, putting everything you have into building a thriving, high-demand online business and now you have decided to sell your baby.

Thousands of businesses change hands everyday, oddly enough repparttar channels you can use to get maximum price and exposure for your online business are extremely limited.

You have a few options:

1. Ebay. It's perhapsrepparttar 103725 biggest venue for listing and finding new businesses forsale, but you have to be concerned overrepparttar 103726 quality of sites listed on eBay. For every quality site listed there are at least 100 crappy, low-priced, cookie-cutter sites that can putrepparttar 103727 wrong impression inrepparttar 103728 minds of your prospects.

2. Classified pay-per-listing sites. The leading online business listing site is run by experienced professional Nelson Bates. This is a super service for sites under $50,000 with proven results and proven demand. A great technique for lower-priced sites, but perhaps notrepparttar 103729 right option forrepparttar 103730 site you want to get maximum exposure and price for.

3. Experienced and Focused Business Broker. You've invested heavily in your online business. A professional can help you throughrepparttar 103731 sometimes complex tasks of placing a price on your business, getting it in front ofrepparttar 103732 "right" buyers, helping to separaterepparttar 103733 tire kickers from serious buyers and take your deal to an optimal close.

Online business brokers can...

1. Get more money for your site 2. Get your site exposed to buyers with money 3. Reduce your stress by only putting you in touch with serious buyers 4. Handlingrepparttar 103734 paperwork and forms associated with securely selling your high-value online business 5. Handlingrepparttar 103735 uncomfortable "selling" role for you - you just decide which deal to accept 6. Let you move on to other things, confident that your online business is being represented byrepparttar 103736 best 7. Help you through an emotional process - they will be your rock throughrepparttar 103737 entire process 8. Give yourepparttar 103738 benefit of experience closing many deals, something most sellers do not have 9. Open up new markets and opportunities you may not have even thought of yet 10 Help you wade through legal, tax and regulatory issues that can be quite intimidating.

3 Simple Keys Will Make Your Customers Stick

Written by Denise O'Berry

Do you spend a lot of time and energy courting prospective new customers, hoping to pump up your bottom line? If so, you're probably missing an untapped source of sales that exists right inside your company -- there's truth inrepparttar statement that your customer list is your most valuable asset.

There are a gold mine of opportunities to make easier sales and create a loyal following of customers that will return time and again by using your existing customer base to grow your sales. But when I ask small business owners what action they are taking to keep in touch with current customers,repparttar 103724 answer is normally 'we don't.'

How do you turn a pile of dusty invoices and sales receipts into profit generators for your business? How can you create loyal customers who will return time and again to increase your small business bottom line? There are three keys to creating customer loyalty.

Key #1: Know Who They Are Do you? Compile and maintain a list of your customers. Track their habits. Monitor your list so you know when they are doing business with you differently. Then ask why.

Key #2: Know What They're Worth I overheard a remarkrepparttar 103725 other day. It was, "Oh, that lady. I barely pay attention to her. She comes in twice a week, but only spends about five dollars. What a waste of my time."

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