One Size EMR does not Fit All

Written by Joe Miller

Is there an electronic medical record system ready forrepparttar 21st century? Is there an affordable electronic medical record system? Can a good EMR help to reduce my business’s medical liability expenses?

21st Century Specs You Need for Your EMR

This is a time of fast-pace business. To be blunt, if your current EMR does not keep up with 21st century needs, than your medical practice will experience something similar to driving down a road filled with potholes. No matter how fast you try to move you will keep getting your practice knocked around until you finally have to pay to repair it.

Why not take a road without potholes? An EMR that can keep up withrepparttar 102894 needs of your practice? You can, but you must do your homework. Checkrepparttar 102895 21st century EMR specs. What does your current EMR have?

This list, compiled by, consists of 24 EMR needs and how many of 88 current EMR systems actually meet them.

Office schedule module- 32%3rd party scheduling- 57%
Billing module- 24%3rd party billing- 63%
Lab / HL7 interface- 57%Prescriptions- 81%
Drug interactions- 49%E&M code assistance- 45%
ASP- 27%Internet access- 48%
Dial in access- 75%Connection from separate locations- 77%
Wireless- 77%Transcription compatible- 75%
Voice recognition- 69%PDA compatible- 42%
Handwriting recognition- 43%Digital

The effects of printing press: Society speaking

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

The discovery and establishment ofrepparttar printing of books with moveable type marks a paradigm shift inrepparttar 102893 way information was transferred in our society. The impact of printing is comparable torepparttar 102894 development of language,repparttar 102895 invention ofrepparttar 102896 alphabet, andrepparttar 102897 invention ofrepparttar 102898 computer as far as its effects onrepparttar 102899 society.

A great transformation to our culture was brought due torepparttar 102900 discovery of printing press that apparently enlightened us on what’s was happening around us through informations, books and other printed documents. Which becomes evident asrepparttar 102901 process was discovered.

Printing press also plays a wider participation withrepparttar 102902 distribution and duplication of bible copies. Before in Korea and China, there were no texts similar torepparttar 102903 Bible which could guarantee a printer return onrepparttar 102904 high capital investment of a printing press, and sorepparttar 102905 primary form of printing was wood block printing which was more suited for short runs of texts for whichrepparttar 102906 return was uncertain.

Onrepparttar 102907 other point, because ofrepparttar 102908 printing press, authorship also became more meaningful. It was suddenly important who had said or written what, and whatrepparttar 102909 precise formulation and time of composition was. This allowedrepparttar 102910 exact citing of references, producingrepparttar 102911 rule, "One Author, one work (title), one piece of information". Before,repparttar 102912 author was less important, since a copy of Aristotle made in Paris might not be identical to one made in Bologna. For many works prior torepparttar 102913 printing press,repparttar 102914 name ofrepparttar 102915 author was entirely lost.

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