One Simple Movement Can Double the Effectiveness of Pulldowns

Written by Nick Nilsson

The Pulldown is an excellent exercise for workingrepparttar Latissimus Dorsi muscles ofrepparttar 115750 back (also known asrepparttar 115751 lats). It is a little known fact but there is a way you can dramatically improverepparttar 115752 effectiveness of this exercise by performing one simple movement before each rep. Many people have a hard time feeling their lats working when they do pulldowns. The biceps may have a tendency to take overrepparttar 115753 movement. Some people just don稚 feel anything in their back at all.

This little movement trick can change all of that.

The movement is simply a shoulder drop and even though it may seem like a SMALL thing, it can have a HUGE impact on your back workout.

To demonstrate this movement, start by sitting in a pulldown machine with a moderate weight onrepparttar 115754 stack. Take a close grip onrepparttar 115755 bar with your palms facing you (known as a reverse grip). Do a few reps using your normal technique so you have a gauge to measure against.

Now we will addrepparttar 115756 shoulder drop. Let your arms go straight and let your shoulder girdle rise up as though shrugging. Your shoulders should be up by your ears. Now drop your shoulder girdle down inrepparttar 115757 opposite movement torepparttar 115758 shrug, pullingrepparttar 115759 weight down as you do so. The range of motion is small, being only a matter of a few inches. Repeat this drop and raise several times to getrepparttar 115760 feel forrepparttar 115761 movement. You should feel your entire shoulder girdle moving up and down.

Get a Grip! Squeeze more results from every single rep of your dumbell curls.

Written by Nick Nilsson

Would you like to know how to get more out of every single dumbell curl you do? Amazingly enough, you can do this simply by changing where you griprepparttar dumbell.

First, I知 going to tell you whatrepparttar 115749 trick is, then I知 going to tell you exactly how and why it works. Then I知 going to finish by telling you how to makerepparttar 115750 trick so powerful it値l blow your mind!

In a nutshell, instead of grippingrepparttar 115751 handle inrepparttar 115752 middle (as is normally taught), griprepparttar 115753 handle withrepparttar 115754 thumb and forefinger side of your hand pressed up againstrepparttar 115755 inside ofrepparttar 115756 dumbell plates. There will be a space of several inches between your pinky andrepparttar 115757 other side plates.

To take full advantage of this change in your grip, startrepparttar 115758 curl with your palms facing in to your thighs, otherwise known as a neutral or hammer grip. As you curl up, rotate your forearm so that your palm is facing up atrepparttar 115759 top ofrepparttar 115760 movement. You should feel a strong cramping in your biceps.

For pictures demonstrating exactly how to execute this technique go to:

Here痴 how and why it works:

The biceps muscle has two main functions. The first is flexingrepparttar 115761 elbow (in essence, bringingrepparttar 115762 forearm closer torepparttar 115763 upper arm like when you bend your arm to scratch your nose). The other function is called supination, which is a biomechanical term for forearm rotation. Supination occurs when you turn your hand from a palms-down position to a palms-up position.

The traditional dumbell curl without forearm rotation addressesrepparttar 115764 flexing function ofrepparttar 115765 bicep. Rotating your forearm as you curlrepparttar 115766 dumbell up invokesrepparttar 115767 supination function ofrepparttar 115768 bicep, working more ofrepparttar 115769 muscle mass ofrepparttar 115770 bicep and giving you a stronger contraction.

Holdingrepparttar 115771 dumbell off-center essentially adds resistance torepparttar 115772 supination function ofrepparttar 115773 bicep muscle. If you think about it, when you hold your hand inrepparttar 115774 middle ofrepparttar 115775 dumbell,repparttar 115776 two ends are balanced like two identical-weight people on a see-saw. You get very little, if any, resistance onrepparttar 115777 supination.

By holdingrepparttar 115778 dumbell off-center, you tiprepparttar 115779 balance ofrepparttar 115780 dumbell towardsrepparttar 115781 pinky side of your hand. Your bicep must then work against resistance to accomplishrepparttar 115782 supination, adding in more resistance torepparttar 115783 curl movement.

This resistance translates into more efficient work forrepparttar 115784 bicep and, ultimately, more results for you!


Now I知 going to tell you how to adapt this trick into something that will make your jaw hitrepparttar 115785 floor onrepparttar 115786 first rep you do.

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