One Shot... One Kill!Written by John Colanzi
Many marketers have compared art of marketing to art of war. Some of names used by marketers for their systems bears this out.Don't think so? What do these programs bring to mind? <> Guerilla Marketing <> The Warriors <> Stealth Marketing Looking at those names you know these guys mean business. So what separates these successful marketers from 95% who fail? They're not smarter than average marketer, but they do market slightly different. The vast majority of marketers are going to battle with a shot gun. They have no clear cut target. They are closing their eyes, pulling trigger and hoping they hit something. They may occasionally hit something, but sooner or later they're going to run out of ammunition. Unless they are extremely lucky, their advertising budget will be spent with little or no sales to show for their efforts.
| | Bridging the Online/Offline GapWritten by Joe Bingham
For some businesses, it's almost like making a lifestyle change. A company born online glues itself to Internet with a passionate belief that it's way of future. Conversely, many brick and mortar businesses hold on to their traditions of face to face business, and refuse to look into online promotion. Smart business owners, however, see how dual promotion can be extremely beneficial. Naturally, there is both an online and offline component to all of our lives. Many of us are narrowly focused in each of these aspects. We have our routines of where we go, what we do, and this, then, dictates our exposure to advertising. What we never see online, we may see around town. What we never knew existed in our own city, may attract us online. This only gives more credence to fact that promoting our businesses both online and offline will reach more people. More people equals more customers and that means better success. What does it take, however, to move your business, whether online or offline, out of its traditions and into a dual promotion mind set? First consider your product or service. Physical products are more easily understood by both markets while a digital information product, for example, is harder to explain to an offline market. However, anything can be done. There are print publications that cater to Internet users. This market would understand digital products, and may include many people that your online promotion has never reached. You have to think in terms of who would be interested in what you have to offer, and then seek out publications that target these same individuals. TAKING ONLINE TO OFFLINE The major offline tool that can be added to an online business' promotion is print advertising. Print classifieds are still widely read by consumers. From local newspapers to print publications from other online companies, classifieds can make an impact. Also, some publications accept well written product or site reviews. Other tactics include printing your own business cards, flyers, postal mailings, signs, and even radio and television depending on