One Person's Perspective

Written by David Stoddard

There has been this song, or at least a line of a song, rattling around in my mind this past week. I don't know for sure if it's from a Saturday morning cartoon, or Sesame Street orrepparttar Electric Company or where exactly I remember it from so many years ago.

The line is this: That's aboutrepparttar 101844 size, where you put your eyes… That's aboutrepparttar 101845 size of it. (It's a lot better sung than just reading it). If anyone knows where it is from, please let me know.

The song was about how we see things. About how differently objects appear depending on how close or how far away from them we are. It came to me Monday while I was out mowingrepparttar 101846 back yard. I started thinking about how smallrepparttar 101847 yard seems today compared to when I was growing up.

Years ago, I would leap offrepparttar 101848 swing and begin running forrepparttar 101849 far end ofrepparttar 101850 yard. Because it took so long to reach my destination, I would turn around half way and go back torepparttar 101851 swing.

Today, there is almost nothing to it. Unless of courserepparttar 101852 temperature is 90 degrees, it has rained for a week straight,repparttar 101853 grass is 2 feet tall, trees begin growing inrepparttar 101854 fences,repparttar 101855 sun beats down brighter than ever before andrepparttar 101856 mower keeps clogging up because of it all. Then it is a huge yard.

It's all in how you look at it.

Speaking of how we see things, there is a danger in doingrepparttar 101857 same thingsrepparttar 101858 same way day after day. We become blinded to so much that is out there. Everything seemsrepparttar 101859 same, looksrepparttar 101860 same, smells repparttar 101861 same, goes by atrepparttar 101862 same pace, day--after day--after day.

We put ourselves into a sort of rut because we only see things in one way. While it makes us feel better to blame our job, our boss, our friends, our in-laws,repparttar 101863 dog, telemarketers, co-workers,repparttar 101864 weather, our pet rock or just because we were born under a bad sign for our life as it is, truth is, it has all been our choice.

Stuff Happens

Written by Dave Balch

Stuff happens. You can't always be perfect, and people don't expect you to be, but when something goes wrong you have a great opportunity to learn a number of interesting things about people in general and yourself in particular, as well as how to handle such situations. As an example, here's something that recently happened to me.

I have a free newsletter that I send by email. When someone signs up for it at my website, I send them a "Welcome" message to thank them for subscribing and to send themrepparttar most recent issue. Last week I accidentally sent this "Welcome" message to my entire list of over 2500 existing subscribers in 20+ countries!

I realized what had happened within 5 minutes, and immediately sent a message torepparttar 101843 entire list (on purpose this time!) to apologize and not to worry; they were not onrepparttar 101844 list twice and would not be receiving duplicate newsletters inrepparttar 101845 future. The reaction was immediate and surprising, to sayrepparttar 101846 least. One ofrepparttar 101847 first to respond told me that he never subscribed (remember, this message was thanking people for subscribing), that I better not charge him for it or he will report me torepparttar 101848 FBI (!), and that I was a "stinking con-artist". What made this especially interesting is that this particular individual has been receiving my newsletter every other week for over a year!!!

Several others told me that they never subscribed and to remove them fromrepparttar 101849 list. Again, all of them had, in fact, subscribed and had been receivingrepparttar 101850 newsletter for many months. (I have never nor would I ever sendrepparttar 101851 newsletter to anyone who hadn't specifically requested it.)

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