One-Two-Three Punch Marketing

Written by Catherine Franz

Printed material is just as important today as it was beforerepparttar Internet. With sp*a*m getting out of hand, it’s a wise choice to rev up, update or create printed material, ads, catalogs, direct mail, press releases, letters, templates andrepparttar 120550 like.

You will notice that I didn't add brochures to this list. Brochures are not a good investment for a first piece. When someone asks for a brochure and you don't have one, this doesn't mean you ignore their request. Worse scenario, you may run wildly around using up a large portion of your year’s marketing budget completing one.

If you move or update your materials frequently, it isn't wise to spend thousands of dollars on new material. Here are a few alternatives. You can use a professionally created folding business card as a main document. Another option to expensive letterhead is to print your own in a two-pass process. Use a color printer inrepparttar 120551 first pass for your logo and use a black and white pass through forrepparttar 120552 content. Use Kinko's if you don't have a color printer ( At Kinko’s you can send them a file via Internet, have them printrepparttar 120553 color portion on high quality paper.

Mailing out a marketing piece weeks after your first contact is too late. When opportunity knocks, be ready. Timing is everything. If you don't,repparttar 120554 extra time allows them to solverepparttar 120555 issue on their own, or change its priority.

It is always preferable to have a serious phone discussion even before an in-person meeting. If they don't show up forrepparttar 120556 call, it is easier to recoup your time, and it indicates they aren't ready to buy. All you need to do is follow-up lightly to remind them to contact you whenrepparttar 120557 time is right. Send them a newsletter, template letter, or flyer and not expensive material. People generally toss items they receive onrepparttar 120558 first punch. Saverepparttar 120559 best for a time whenrepparttar 120560 punch is more effective. Multi-follow-ups show them that you aren't a fly-by-night going-to-fad-in-the- next-few-months provider.

Giving too much information early inrepparttar 120561 marketing process overwhelms customers and jeopardizesrepparttar 120562 sale. It makes them nervous about you. This is, of course, if you are selling services or products worth more than whatever your market considers discretionary.

Instead, create a call to action to get them to visit your web site periodically, send them an "I'm still here for you when you are ready" note, or a printed copy of your latest newsletter or ezine.

Selling a product? Send an oversized post card or direct mail piece. The direct mail piece needs to use an "I'm- following-up" language and not a "you-never-met-us-yet" dialogue.

Have template letters, Word or Act, ready to go with a few clicks. Design them sorepparttar 120563 first or second paragraphs are easy to add a personalized follow-up dialogue.

When you drive alongrepparttar 120564 same route and one day you spot something that seems new, only later discover it’s been there all along you are pleasantly surprised. For even when we seem fully awake, many things pass our radar. .

In marketing, it isrepparttar 120565 same experience. We don't see something that’s been there until something happens and wakes us up. The seven-times rule, a proven marketing principle, isrepparttar 120566 "you have demonstrated credibility" and "I now see you" model. The seven-time rule applies whetherrepparttar 120567 main marketing draw is a web site, networking, direct mail, or a combination. People who don't like to sell stop afterrepparttar 120568 first or second punch.

Printed materials do indicate credibility and quality counts in most cases. If you post your brochures at your State’s visitor’s center, you will see that they stand next to many similar ones. What stands out arerepparttar 120569 one-half page black and white flyers orrepparttar 120570 like. In this situation,repparttar 120571 plain black and whites getrepparttar 120572 attention of many. It is important to know how, when, and where your materials are going to be viewed and be represented.

Free Marketing = Effective Marketing

Written by Brandon Milford

Free Marketing = Effective Marketing By Brandon Milford

According to there are over three billion web pages online today. So what are you doing to separate yourself fromrepparttar crowd? How are you targeting your customers? How much capital are you investing in marketing? Is it working? I hear many business owners complaining aboutrepparttar 120549 inability to successfully drive targeted customers to their website. I listen as they tell me about purchasing e-mail lists and buying advertising spaces on related websites. While these methods may work there are free and effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your site. The first isrepparttar 120550 ever popular search engines. There are a number of ways to successfully optimize your website forrepparttar 120551 search engines and subsequently receive better rankings. Search engine optimization is an enormous topic and there have been many books written onrepparttar 120552 subject and businesses specializing in this service, but I will give you a few important pointers on optimizing your website. First, be sure to have a great deal of relevant content on your website that is no more than three levels deep (the search engine’s crawler does not typically search more than three levels down). This content can include articles, white papers, case studies etc. Second, be sure to have a large number of websites linking to yours. Trade links with other website owners and place their links in a ‘Resources’ section on your website. One ofrepparttar 120553 important variables, among many, that Google will use in your ranking isrepparttar 120554 number of relevant websites that are linking to yours. So be surerepparttar 120555 majority of incoming links to your website are from businesses that provide similar offerings. Third, be sure to include accompanying text links to all of your pages if your current page links are buried within images. This is important becauserepparttar 120556 crawler cannot see images, but it can find text links. The next way to drive free targeted traffic to your website is to include a link to your site and small ‘hook’ in your email signature. I’m surprised at how many business owners still do not do this. This hook will be one sentence that tells your audience what you do. This “small ad” of sorts will be on every email you send out. Example: --- John Smith President ABC Company “Providing communications solutions in a technology driven world”

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