On Copying and Stealing Designs

Written by Lala C. Ballatan

The notion onrepparttar great artist, Pablo Picasso’s quote, "Bad artists copy. Good artists steal" is lost on many. And revolving aroundrepparttar 132205 graphic designer circles isrepparttar 132206 quote “Good artists copy, great artists steal” known as Picasso’s quote, still. Anyway, it might just be safe to assume that Picasso have not quoted this words exactly but he did have an “expert’s assessment and statement” regarding copying and stealing art styles and techniques.

The artistic world was widely influenced by Picasso, beingrepparttar 132207 first living artist to be featured inrepparttar 132208 Louvre. Many have their own opinion and interpretation as to what he really meant onrepparttar 132209 quote. Withrepparttar 132210 onset of digital technology and digital art, it is understandable thatrepparttar 132211 modern Web graphic design also has an interpretation for it. In an article by Cameron Moll,repparttar 132212 Creative Director for IDI at http://www.sitepoint.com/article/copy-great-designers-steal he had endeavored to uncover a possible explanation in three levels of design. These three levels involves some aspect of copying or stealing, shows increasing design maturity, adapts Picasso’s quote to modern graphic design. The interpretation by Moll was segmented in such a way that do not imply that they arerepparttar 132213 only levels of design. it is but a guide to assistrepparttar 132214 improvement of designers’ design and lead to their maturity with regards to copying and stealing designs.

The first level explains a well-imparted principle of starting out by copying other well-created designs. Web designing could relate this principle fromrepparttar 132215 advice of Web copywriting guru, Gerry McGovern for writers: having a model forrepparttar 132216 kind of article that they need to do, dissect and analyze them and copy.

Copying, not creating have surprising positive effect, too, that of maintaining conventionality. There’s a familiar and intuitive effect forrepparttar 132217 users when most sites have essentiallyrepparttar 132218 same layout and information architecture by most sites. A Web designing career involve time constraints and budget limitations so much so that copying is almost mandatory.

Content Management Systems (CMS): What They Are And Why We Love Them…

Written by Maarten Van Ruitenburg

There is a buzz inrepparttar online community about a technology that empowersrepparttar 132204 average computer user withrepparttar 132205 ability to create and maintain their very own web presence. Inrepparttar 132206 past, individuals who took interest in having and operating their own websites were burdened withrepparttar 132207 task of learning HTML, DHTML, and other web-based technologies such as JavaScript and CSS. The only alternative to this was, unfortunately, to pocketrepparttar 132208 expenses and costs required to pay a web developer to build and maintain it for them.

This dilemma is one ofrepparttar 132209 primary reasons that small to medium-sized businesses did not begin to emerge onrepparttar 132210 worldwide web for several years followingrepparttar 132211 corporate dot-com rush. Many business owners were terrified atrepparttar 132212 thought of having to learn complicated programming languages and server languages in order to create ‘do it yourself’ websites. Fortunately, that was then and this is now!

Due torepparttar 132213 evolving demand for businesses to have a presence onrepparttar 132214 web, a new application has emerged in order to help business owners and employees create and sustain a professional-looking site withoutrepparttar 132215 worries of coding and technical applications.

What do we call this innovative technology that lessensrepparttar 132216 gap betweenrepparttar 132217 IT professionals and ourselves? Content Management Systems (otherwise known as CMS). Simply put, Content Management Systems are applications that implement easy-to-use web-based tools in combination with a database and web templates in order to effortlessly construct, and update a website’s content. Hencerepparttar 132218 name, Content Management System. Content Management System applications are ideal for businesses and sites that require ongoing updates and additions.

The simplicity lies inrepparttar 132219 fact that throughrepparttar 132220 utilization ofrepparttar 132221 web-based tools, Content Management Systems completely separaterepparttar 132222 updating and creation ofrepparttar 132223 site’s actual content fromrepparttar 132224 site’s design and layout. Therefore allowing a person with no knowledge of HTML to go in and alter/add content torepparttar 132225 site’s pages without making structural changes torepparttar 132226 site’s design.

What are a few ofrepparttar 132227 benefits associated with using a Content Management System over traditional web-design?

Well, to begin with, Content Management Systems are developed in a way so that even a novice user hasrepparttar 132228 power to maintain and updaterepparttar 132229 site. The content input/update areas are designed to offer a very user-friendly interface, appearing much like a common word processing application that so many of us are familiar with. This makes it possible for any person or staff involved in document creation to easily and efficiently maintainrepparttar 132230 content onrepparttar 132231 company’s website.

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