Oh, to be as a child!

Written by Seamus Dolly


Did you ever look at a child, so young, so innocent to life, yet a virtual WEBMASTER when it comes to settingrepparttar remote forrepparttar 117237 T.V.? When using a computer for example, they are often limited in lessons, nowhere as technically informed as ourselves, yet seem as or more efficient. Evolution doesn't move that fast, well not in one generation, and not so profoundly. What do our kids, orrepparttar 117238 children of others, know, to put them in such an "elevated" position? Do they have special skills that we somehow missed? Are we declining/getting too old, even at a young age?

Believe me, I am no doctor. However, it seems to me thatrepparttar 117239 ability of a child to learn is simply related to their state of mind.

They have no reason to believe that they cannot do anything. They sometimes haverepparttar 117240 benefit of encouragement. Everything is new, and therefore something new, is nothing new. Everything is a distraction, and another distraction is no distraction. Technology is only a word, not a technology. A computer is no more than a shirt with more colours and with more buttons. A mistake is nothing new, and not worth mistaking for a "worry". Their learning is so fast that there is no time for regrets, and regrets are not considered. Their "peers" are inrepparttar 117241 same boat as them, and they view every thing in muchrepparttar 117242 same way.

Is there something we can learn from children, something that we once knew, just a few years ago? Our parents may have looked on us and wondered aboutrepparttar 117243 technologies that we tried to push on them. Going further back in time, some people had a tough time to get their parents interested in a toilet that flushed, a watch that didn't need to be wound, a "biro"/pen that needed no inkwell to successfully write a letter. Whatever would they now think, of a word processor, or indeed a mobile phone/cell phone, or indeedrepparttar 117244 INTERNET?

What I'm suggesting is that we re-adoptrepparttar 117245 attitude of a child when we are under pressure. That is to hold on, drive on, look forward, and nowhere else. There is almost nothing you cannot learn, achieve, if your focus/mindset is right, or if you adjust it. I knew nothing about computers orrepparttar 117246 internet a few years ago. Now I am writing this, which is no great achievement but is something greater that what I ever envisaged, a short time ago.

My background is as a MECHANICAL FITTER, using a lathe and welding bars of steel. Computer illiterate, no typing skills and locally minded as opposed torepparttar 117247 best invention to date, THE INTERNET, which is essentially globally minded. The first thing for me was to learn to type, which is definitely helpful, but not essential. Believe me when I say that it wasn't easy. I'm sure that it took me 1000 hours as my fingers are large and awkward from years of hard and manual labour.

To Pay, can Pay!

Written by Seamus Dolly

To Pay can Pay!

When I started out, I was determined to pay for as little as possible. Search engine submissions seemed relatively simple; just type in your details and "let it off". I was set to be a millionaire in a few months. Why didn't I do this years ago instead of working like a slave in a thankless and tough engineering industry?. However, I was somewhat naive. There is a lot to learn butrepparttar good news is that it can be learned so following isrepparttar 117236 essence of Pay Per Click search engines . PPC or "pay per click" search engines, are a way to get guaranteed and targeted traffic. To take any mystery out of it, you just place a bid onrepparttar 117237 words of your choice. These words are typically words one would type into a search engine that would eventually lead them to your website.

If you are marketing "BREAD", then this would be one such word or keyword. You put yourself inrepparttar 117238 shoes ofrepparttar 117239 person looking for your product or a product like yours. This should sensibly be uncomplicated. For example, you shouldn't select "bread for beginners" or "bread that will melt in your mouth". Your bread might very well melt inrepparttar 117240 mouth, butrepparttar 117241 regular Joe or Josephine wouldn't typically know that and therefore would not type it in as a search keyword. The market onrepparttar 117242 internet is anyone and everyone that is connected so some consideration forrepparttar 117243 way they think is required and essential.

Targeted traffic isrepparttar 117244 only traffic of any commercial use and this is possible with PPC's. If you haverepparttar 117245 highest bid for "BREAD", then you will automatically be number one with that particular search engine, and maybe others allied to it. It is then up to your product/site to dorepparttar 117246 business. Its straightforward enough and may only need a bit of practice.

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