Office Set Up Written by Chuck and Sue DeFiore
OK, you say, I've decided to start my business. I have my idea, my identity package, my licensing and zoning done. Now I need to set up my office. Your first step is to decide whether to convert a room into an office or a space/area in your home to office space. If your space is limited you might want to get type of desk that looks like an armoire so you can close it up at end of day. Or use a folding table that can be put away at end of business day. Or you can set up a mini-office in corner of a room and put up a screen to hide this area at end of work day. In addition, depending on type of business you are running, you need to think of files you will need and how you will house those files. For some businesses a small letter file will suffice, which you can cover with a table cloth at end of day or you could use an end table with space for files, or you can purchase crates for files and stack those in a corner or closet. Most businesses today need a computer, along with a printer, fax, and/or scanner. Again, if you use armoire type of desk they use have space for most of this equipment, and you can close it at end of day. For those of you that devote a separate room to your office, you have a lot more latitude in design of your office. However, size of your office will come into play. To utilize space to best advantage, choose your desk and placing of equipment based on your office size. This means measure items before purchasing them. Do a mock set up. While this might take a little more time initially, it will pay off in long run.
| | It's Not My Fault....Whose Responsibility Is It Anyway?Written by Chuck and Sue DeFiore
It amazes me, how often during a week, I hear "It's not my fault, it's not my responsibility". It seems that in today's society no one wants to take responsibility for anything. Parents don't or won't take responsibility of how their children turn out. It's daycare's fault, school's fault, college's fault, cop's fault, ... you get picture. As far as children go today, newsflash parents, "It is your fault." They are your children, not daycare's or schools. It is your responsibility to be sure that they get to school, that they learn in school, and what they do after school. That means paying attention to what your children are doing. Taking an interest in homework they have, and if they don't have any, giving them some. Monitoring what kind of music they listen to, what they watch on television, what kind of movies they watch, and video games they play. Teaching them difference between reality and imaginary ideas, people and things. Television and video games are not baby-sitters, and neither is school system. Your children are your responsibility, and in all honesty if you don't have time to spend with your children, then don't have them. I fully realize that both parents have to work today because of cost of things. However, there are parents raising children who are aware of what their children are doing, spend time with them, and instill in them ethics, morals and values so that their children can become productive adults. Unfortunately, these parents appear to be few and far between. Teachers, your job is to teach our children. The crying about class size doesn't cut it. When I attended school we had a minimum of 30 students in most classes, and teachers taught and we all passed our Regents exams before graduating high school. Unfortunately, while I was in college I could see writing on wall already regarding our education system. Those who were going into teaching only had to pass/fail classes such as psychology, sociology, and learning theory classes; and they couldn't even do that. Our education system has gone downhill since mid 70's. Yes, there are still some good teachers out there, those in their 40's and up. However, we have teachers today that can't read and write, so how can we expect them to teach our children to do so. Some of teachers today are afraid of being tested on a yearly basis, and many of them should be, because they would not pass. The standards for testing today are a joke. I would love to give a Regents Exam test from a high school in 50's, 60's, and even early 70's. Both students and teachers today wouldn't pass. I know I am making a lot of people angry, and you should be. The fault lies with our educational system. It has disintegrated over years. Too many other factors have come into play in our school system. This is something that should not have happened. In order to get good teachers, children and parents have to respect them, and unfortunately today that is not case. When I was attending school, we respected our teachers and our principals. Suspension was a punishment and an embarrassment, both to ourselves and our parents. Teachers were allowed to reprimand students. They didn't have to worry about student rights, students self esteem, etc. When we start respecting our teachers again, let them teach and not worry about being politically correct, and pay them a salary they can live on we will get better educated to teach our children. In addition, parents look at teachers as their baby-sitters, and expect them not only to educate their child but to help raise them. Parents you have a responsibility to your child and to teacher. You have to respect teacher and support them, not fight them.