Ocean of People

Written by Michelle Jacobson

Oceans... There’s water in 'em! :-)

It may seem a bit absurd butrepparttar ocean can easily be compared to a world full of people. They're constantly moving yet it seems like they aren’t moving very far at all!

If you move to different parts ofrepparttar 126413 ocean you’ll find that some parts are warm and friendly. These parts encourage you to visit and stay awhile.

You know some people that are that way.

Other parts ofrepparttar 126414 ocean seem cold and unfriendly. They encourage you to move on.

You know people that are that way too.

Gravity There is a force that drags water back intorepparttar 126415 ocean called gravity. :-)

There is an enemy of God and His children who is called Satan (no smiley face). He works to drag people away from Jesus (the Rock). As we’re told in John 10:10 that he comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

Satan comes to deceive you into sinning. Each sin brings a curse. Curses are open doors for they enemy to attack people and keep them miserable.

Jesus changed all of this when He became repparttar 126416 last sacrifice (1Corinthians 15.45). His death onrepparttar 126417 cross breaksrepparttar 126418 curses brought on byrepparttar 126419 law for all who believe in Him.

Gateway Psalm

Written by Terry Dashner

Gateway Psalm

Terry Dashner…………………Faith Fellowship Church Broken Arrow, OK 74013

Psalm one isrepparttar gateway to allrepparttar 126412 Psalms. Torepparttar 126413 reader,repparttar 126414 door opens and exposes a treasure trove of poetry and song. Ifrepparttar 126415 reader takesrepparttar 126416 time to walk through its corridors, she will hearrepparttar 126417 emphasis of Psalm one being echoed at every refrain.

Psalm one tells us what to expect as we journey through God’s wisdom literature.

What may we anticipate? Psalm one is an “either or” psalm. A man is either: Godly and blessed, or unrighteous and doomed. The former state, however, is not always realized in this life. That’s why some ofrepparttar 126418 Psalms question God’s sense of justice—why is it thatrepparttar 126419 wicked sometimes win out overrepparttar 126420 righteous? If we keep in mind that our physical life on earth is notrepparttar 126421 end of our existence, we will better understand how God’s justice works. God’s justice, in vindicating us, is not completed untilrepparttar 126422 end of time,repparttar 126423 last judgment. God will one day right all wrongs against His people. He is perfect in His judgments.

Psalm one is a promise and an admonition torepparttar 126424 righteous. Forrepparttar 126425 righteous one who will resist evil and evil company, and build his life onrepparttar 126426 Word of God he will walk blessed. He will be productive in season and out of season. His spiritual roots will go down deeply like a tree planted beside a river. Onrepparttar 126427 other hand,repparttar 126428 righteous should be advised that “payday” is not always on Fridays. The righteous should not stay discouraged. God rewardsrepparttar 126429 righteous in this life andrepparttar 126430 next. Butrepparttar 126431 greatest “payday” is coming inrepparttar 126432 next life, so be faithful in this one.

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