Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

There are so many ways to decorate your outdoor living area. Some people have swimming pools, others have hot-tubs. There are gazebos, birdbaths, rock gardens, ponds, flower gardens, etc.

Everything in your outdoor living area should be weather-resistant and simple to maintain. If wind, rain, orrepparttar outdoor elements can damage or pit a decorative touch, find something similar to replace it. Also, make sure that all decorative touches are safe. Picnic tables or benches should be sanded so that tiny slivers don’t harm or hurt. Webbing on chairs or loungers should be repaired and replaced. Cords should not be raveled and everything should be in easy sight. You would not appreciate tripping over an ornament hidden under brush or tucked around a corner to grab toe or heel. Just a few simple precautions and you have a fun, safe outdoor getaway.

Using oilcloth or heavy plastic sheeting on picnic tables that is easy to clean, and tacked down will keep everything you serve safe and sound. Plastic pitchers, cups, and plates are preferable to glass ones, as those tiny slivers from broken glass are almost impossible to find in grass or sand. A first-aid kit that is readily available and handy is of prime importance. From scratches, scrapes, bug bites, or burns, having a remedy close at hand easesrepparttar 111565 pain and soothesrepparttar 111566 fear. Cords stretched across grassy areas are a hazard for anyone running through or walking through as they admire your flowers and garden. Sunscreen and insect repellant are also a must. They should be available to family and friends who visit.

Food should be kept cold if they are cold items and hot if they are intended to be hot. Try not to keep food out longer than one hour or provide ice bowls to placerepparttar 111567 food in or sterno or hot trays forrepparttar 111568 hot food. Keep foods covered with plastic lids or foil. Also use serving utensils to prevent everyone from having to use their own eating utensils. Cans of beverages, or juice boxes are much preferred over glass bottles or glass cups. Additional ice for beverages or just to refresh and revive are a very thoughtful accent. Grills or barbecues should be away from anything flammable or that flutters inrepparttar 111569 wind. Long sleeves forrepparttar 111570 “griller” should be avoided as well as clothing that could catch on fire. An extinguisher nearby is a must, as well as a pail of water for immediate use, but not on a grease fire. Refuse containers should be provided well away fromrepparttar 111571 main activity so those darn unwanted insect guests are kept away. Using plastic garbage bags, collection used plates and cups immediately, and securingrepparttar 111572 bags with ties will prevent a lot of bits and bumps.


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Ah!repparttar month of July - hot, hot, and hot. Meals still have to be prepared and they should awaken very sluggish appetites. The food should not heat uprepparttar 111564 kitchen orrepparttar 111565 cook. The flavor should be brisk andrepparttar 111566 colors bright. So - what do you prepare whenrepparttar 111567 temperatures soar butrepparttar 111568 desire to cook and stay inrepparttar 111569 kitchen is at an all-time low?

Try some of these menu ideas and maybe they will just hitrepparttar 111570 spot! Grilled salmon steaks, buttered pasta with garnish of parsley, cucumber spears in Russian or French dressing, orange sherbet *** Chili dogs on a bun, grilled potato wedges, baby carrots in lemon butter, brownies with vanilla ice cream *** Triple-decker club sandwiches (your choice of meat/cheese), creamy coleslaw, fresh string beans, strawberry ice cream *** Ravioli (meat or cheese), seasoned with Parmesan and chopped basil, broccoli spears, fresh garden salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish, Your favorite cookies *** Grilled ham steaks, grilled sweet potato halves, sweet peas with onions, pound cake slices with strawberry/raspberry/blueberry topping and whipped cream *** Creamed chicken or beef on toast points, melon wedges (watermelon, cantaloupe, etc.), spinach salad, assorted cupcakes *** Barbecued pork or beef on a bun, corn onrepparttar 111571 cob, garden fresh sliced tomatoes with slices of mozzarella cheese and drizzled with Italian dressing, rainbow sherbet or ice cream *** Panfried steak sandwiches with onions and sweet peppers on French bread or rolls, sliced fresh peaches, lettuce wedges with Thousand Island Dressing, Chocolate cake slices *** Meatloaf slices, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, milk shakes *** Antipasta Platter(deviled eggs, sliced cheeses, salami, olives, tomato slices, onions, etc.) Assorted bread basket, lemon ice

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