OTI Choose PRONTO ERP as Standard for Clients

Written by Tom Verzi

OTI, Optimization Technology Inc., located in Mississauga Canada, has been developing and implementing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems since 1984. The Canadian VARs (Value Added Reseller) customer base appreciatesrepparttar features built into their legacy systems which focused on individual manufacturing and distribution requirements. Withrepparttar 102859 advent of GUI (Graphical User Interface) it became too difficult to add some ofrepparttar 102860 new productivity features OTI and their clients wanted.

According to Dave Airey, VP of Sales and Marketing at OTI, “We started looking for a way to move our application to a GUI “look and feel,” but after two years of investigation it became obvious that it was not a practical goal. As an alternative we investigated upgrading our legacy application to a new product.”

OTI’s requirements for a new system revolved around their customers. After many years of custom changes,repparttar 102861 legacy system was geared to client requirements.

Airey noted, “OTI’s initial search took us torepparttar 102862 major ERP players, but none hadrepparttar 102863 features we required to support our loyal customers.”

Finding an ERP System with Strong Functionality:

The search for a new ERP system ended when OTI was introduced to PRONTO North America (www.PRONTOerp.com). According to Airey, “We were introduced to Pronto and were immediately impressed withrepparttar 102864 rich functionality. One important feature was that Pronto is fully integrated. We had engineered our legacy system to be fully integrated so this was of major importance.”

The Rationale for PRONTO ERP:

oFully integrated oUser definable options to tunerepparttar 102865 systems functionality oA support system to back up our customers oFunctionality oGUI look and feel built using a 4 GL tool oEquipment rentals and tracking oService maintenance oBoth Manufacturing and Distribution in one package oEmail & Fax capability oMultiple SQL platforms including MS SQL

Why Are You So Busy?

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Why are you so busy? Do you really have too much work? Is work so important to you that you'll sacrifice just about anything in your life to getrepparttar job done? Even if it's atrepparttar 102858 expense of your health and your relationships?

If you find these questions disturbing then see how you rate with these ones:

Do you work more than 50 hours a week? Do you dream about work? Do you feel that in order to succeed you must work late most ofrepparttar 102859 time? Are you a stranger in your own home? Do you constantly miss family and social events because you're always working? Do you schedule and undertake more than you can get done in a 40-hour work week? Do you get bored when you're not working? Is missing family and social events a regular occurrence because you have to work? When on holiday do you constantly check your phone messages and email? Your Score The greaterrepparttar 102860 number of yes answers,repparttar 102861 closer you are to fittingrepparttar 102862 profile of a workaholic. If you've answered yes to more than half ofrepparttar 102863 questions, it's time to take stock before you lose your health, family and everything you hold near and dear to your heart.

Do a Stocktake First, of all take a really good look at your job, what you do andrepparttar 102864 importance of your accomplishments. Are you appreciated for all those long hours you've put in? Does it really - I mean really - make a difference to your income? Let's face it. In today's economic environment, employees are often nothing more than expendable pawns. No amount of overtime and sacrifice will make a difference when a company has to make cutbacks.

Are You Having Fun? Secondly, determine if you're having fun at your job, long hours notwithstanding. If you're not having fun and are popping antacids to avoid a stress-related ulcer, then you need to rethink all that hard work you're putting in. Fun must be a high priority in your life and your job should be no exception.

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