Written by Anonymous

Osteoporosis isrepparttar disease of brittle bones. As we age, bone mass loses density. Menopause can accelerate this process due torepparttar 143867 loss in oestrogen levels. Oestrogen plays two important roles in bone metabolism: it facilitatesrepparttar 143868 absorption of calcium fromrepparttar 143869 blood intorepparttar 143870 bone and inhibitsrepparttar 143871 loss of calcium from bone. Lack of oestrogen will slow down calcium absorption into bone and, instead, speed up calcium loss.

It is estimated thatrepparttar 143872 average woman loses up to 10 per cent of her bone mass inrepparttar 143873 first five years of menopause. Research suggests that about half of all women overrepparttar 143874 age of 60 will have at least one fracture due to osteoporosis.

Dubbedrepparttar 143875 "silent disease", osteoporosis reveals no physical symptoms. That is because bone loss causes neither visible signs nor pain. Osteoporosis can go undetected for years, until weakened bones cause painful fractures inrepparttar 143876 back or hips.

But does that mean every postmenopausal woman should sit back and wait for osteoporosis to set in? Of course not. Though they can't stop oestrogen from decreasing, they can prevent osteoporosis by following these simple regimes:

Adult Acne Treatments

Written by Ratliff J

If you suffer from shoulder and back acne, I have found a treatment that may help. Acuzine. is a new non-prescription acne treatment.

Acne is caused from imbalances and impurities withinrepparttar body, and that's why we treatrepparttar 143844 problem an internal cleansing treatment that goes right torepparttar 143845 source and fights acne before it

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