OM to OghamWritten by Robert Bruce Baird
Plato observed that advent of an alphabet making writing efficient for average people actually lead to less knowledge or disciplined communication. We need not blame Phoenicians for this because people really could benefit from writing. John Locke and many other scientists during time when man thought there was some reality in prejudices like The Scale of Nature observed that language was a pre-requisite for consciousness. Although there is some truth in his observations which include Tabula Rasa, this is pure hogwash and perhaps even worse than that. He may well have sought to make people feel inferior just as that Scale of Nature was designed to do to so many non-Europeans. Common sense is a most uncommon thing it appears. We still have many people living under pall of Bible Narrative and other ‘absolute religions’ (Fukayama and social engineers know how to use) which have whole histories of deceit woven into their dogma and laws that form structure of our society. I am all for Kat-ma concept of Karma which would have these social engineers meet their maker and put an end to that Dog-ma. It is unfortunate that scholars who are interested in making a living often have to go along with things they know are only half true at best. It is more unfortunate that good money can be made debunking real scholarship and exploration by likes of Barraclough Fell and other Epigraphists. Please take a look into Rob Gombach of Utah State University as he says Fell was only a hobbyist. The treatment of concept of OM by Catholic Encyclopedia is a fine example of what is wrong with our society I think. Here is a little of what they say to start our voyage beyond conventional thinking. Om is sacred syllable of Hinduism used by all schools in their meditation system. It expresses 'world-soul' concept of Brahman. It is pronounced at beginning of recitation of 'mantras'. In practice, this concept is expressed in Hindu teaching as: “‘All humanity converging at foot of that sacred place where is set symbol that is no symbol, name that is beyond all sound.’ In system of practices that make up Hinduism, there is possibility of introducing this concept through an intensified psychic response or through practices that are diabolic {What?! This is certainly a great expression of Pope's ecumenical interests. This mentions nothing about it being like Holy Spirit or what physicists say which I relate to Logos. It is racial in level of its prejudice and it is kind of thing one should expect from 'Crusaders' with no soul.}. Here there is real danger, for this concept permits one to enter into a simple, self-delusive attitude {Rather than one created by priests of this group of 'churchians' who do not follow 'living father within' that Jesus taught.} that misleads while at same time acts to shut out all other avenues of Christian response. Its danger is in blandishment whereby a Universal Religion (the core of Karma or at-onement of divine assumption of all into one) precludes sin since there is no one to sin against. Thus it has often been cryptically likened to evolutionary religious concepts advanced by Teilhard de Chardin {Who almost was ex-communicated and is a great ecumenicist.}, namely, 'omega' concept: ‘The revealed Christ is identical with omega. This christology of Chardin, an evolutionary complex, is stated in like manner: ‘Man bears along with him world of beings inferior to God.’ (Letter 8/7/23 in 'Letters to Leontine Zanta.') (See Omega Point: Teilhardism.)” (1) The Homeric scholars have found some things to prove myth was not all mere fiction and this continues to present in even more fascinating ways due to satellite technology as well as a weakening grip of Biblical intrigues or religious suppression. In final analysis it is my sincere hope that people will become more spiritual and able to appreciate their religious icons were far more than interpreters who used their image and good works. I am of belief that when Homer wrote about ‘the underworld’ he was writing about North America and I know for certain that these people knew earth was a sphere and had means to map and travel throughout whole world since long before Homer. Much of knowledge started with observing stars in world adventures or travels and man has always been adventurous. Here is other ‘Om’ written as Ogham or Ogam. “’While some marks may be related to Ogam, we are skeptical of translations because perception of marks on rock, often worn or damaged, is subject to considerable variability from one observer to next.’ No nation has a monopoly on illegibility, and authors could profitably have consulted any edition of any ancient work, at bottom of any page (where variant readings are listed); there they would find subjectivity galore, and accepted as a matter of course. In any case, they should keep mum; some people have same complaints about standing stones and alignments.” (2) The cover-up of Ogham and all of its branches of knowledge may have started before Rome and there certainly was a lot of plagiarization or Hellenizing going on as new leaders usurped history, technology and science of Kelts or ‘keltoi’ and ‘Ogygia’, as Greek (Danaus) called them. Ogygia in itself means ‘ancient ones’ and Plutarch has a map identifying Iceland as Ogygia but that does not mean it was anything more than an ancient Thulean outpost. Not long ago Catholic Church had a fit of honesty and considered removing St. Patrick as a Saint. They knew all along that it was a near total fiction replete with removing snakes that had never been there in recorded or remembered history. They knew he had been sent there to make deals and re-write Scriptures or destroy things which would show real roots of their faith and culture. He personally destroyed over 150 hand drawn books and we have proof of his editing of Senchus Mor which had been a fantastic book with numerous volumes of law and culture. There are only a few glosses with obvious re-writes remaining. But enslaved people of Ireland who have had their true history destroyed or hidden from them were all upset to find their Patron Saint might be a saint no more.
| | The Declaration of RE-IndependenceWritten by James Sorrell
The Declaration of RE-Independence [Prospectus: The Individual vs. The Corporate Conscience] While term "individual", as regards each of us, has "gone to seed" in human race, ethics of corporate has gone to hell. We humans have lost sight of our own horizon. While a nation of participants ("We People" turned into a loose collection of spectators, business of America morphed into a monster of business. Instead of "In God We Trust", on our money, money is now god we trust [the love of $money$ having replaced real love]. While stock market crash of 1929 was catalyzed by over-extended margins, morality crash of our recent business climate is result of under-extended ethics. It is now left to us citizens, "We The People", to prevent our Titanic ending and reverse this trend, where Fates have become Furies, Muses became Harpies, and Sages have become fools! .....Let us change our form of government overnight to better, to something that works, as outlined in our primary legal document, The Declaration of Independence**; and except for vital and emergency services, put current forms of government "on hold" until our ship of state is repaired and functioning for everyone's best interest, with equal opportunity for ALL, in most powerful yet anemic country on earth; no longer FantasyLandUSA, but land of brave and free again! [The mechanism by which we change our form of government is about only unused portion of our original, founding documents, and it's time to see it put to good use] .....We will go back to future we were detoured from years ago when people sought after $money$ instead of love, and business/sports/entertainment instead of family. We must not again mistake our tools and their methods for life in our lives! "Without a sign his sword brave man draws, And asks no omen but his country's cause". Homer [Homer could have been just as easily speaking of someone like Cincinnatus, a 5th Century B.C. Roman {the Ohio city, Cincinnati, was named for him} who George Washington was likened to. ---> even our own founding fathers would be in open revolt and rebellion against our current national government !!] **[[Dec. of Indep., 2nd paragraph: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness.---That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from consent of governed. --->>> That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is Right of People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."]]