Nutrition Tips to Improve Fat Loss

Written by Rick DeToma

Incorporating these fat loss tips will improve your nutrition program. Start off slowly and add one a week, you don't have to adopt all of them at once. Before long, you’ve cleaned up your nutrition program and on your way to reaching your goal. Trendy diets, fads andrepparttar infomercial product ofrepparttar 112966 month, are not going to help you reach your weight loss goals. A well thought-out nutrition and exercise program will.

Eat breakfast

Proven time and again, those who eat breakfast are more successful at controlling their weight than those that don't. Plus, when doing strength training exercises (and you know you should be), it's even more important to make certain you fuel those muscles after an overnight fast. The perfect time for burning fat because glycogen, blood glucose and insulin levels are all low.

Unfortunately, it may also be perfect for burning muscle, because glycogen levels are low, and levels ofrepparttar 112967 catabolic stress hormone cortisol are high. If you skip breakfast and eat lunch at noon, you’re not only in a highly catabolic (muscle wasting) state, you’re also sending an unmistakable starvation signal to your body.

Eat less sugar

Start reading labels! Sugar is hidden in almost every commercial food item. A single tablespoon of ketchup gets 3 of its 4 grams of carbs from sugar. A 12 oz can of cola has a staggering 40 grams of sugar, and ALL ofrepparttar 112968 carbs in a cola are sugar! Why does that matter?

Simple sugars are digested very quickly and cause a rapid spike in blood sugar. Your body then releases large amounts of insulin. Insulin quickly clearsrepparttar 112969 glucose fromrepparttar 112970 bloodstream leading to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia.) Low blood sugar causes cravings, hunger, weakness, mood swings and decreased energy. These cravings for sugar result in a vicious cycle of ups and downs in blood sugar levels throughoutrepparttar 112971 day.

Eat More Often

Studies have shown that those who eat 4-6 smaller meals per day have less body fat than those eating 2-3 meals a day, even if both groups eat aboutrepparttar 112972 same number of calories. This is because of maintaining steady blood sugar levels. Too much insulin activates fat storage enzymes and forces fat inrepparttar 112973 bloodstream into fat cells for storage.

High insulin levels also inhibit enzymes that promoterepparttar 112974 breakdown of existing stored body fat. You can manage your blood sugar and insulin levels by choosing fewer simple carbohydrates, more complex carbohydrates, eating fiber and having your carbohydrates with lean proteins approximately every three hours.

Eat protein

Be sure to include enough protein for your level of activity (you are exercising…right?)

Protein speeds up your metabolism because your body has to work harder to digest, process, and utilize it compared to fats or carbs.

The "thermic" effect of protein is one ofrepparttar 112975 reasons that a higher protein diet is more effective for fat loss than a diet high in fat or carbs. Too much of any food can be stored as body fat, but protein is less likely to be converted to fat than any other nutrient.

10 Easy to follow Tips to help YOU Lose Weight

Written by Steve Li

Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin. Since we are not, here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too.


Okay, for many people this is a big problem. Water doesn’t taste all that great generally because water doesn’t really “taste” like anything. Drinking water 8 to 10 times each day gets easierrepparttar more you actually do it. It is simply a matter of conditioning your taste buds, and yourself, so that it becomes easier to do. Once you get started, you will begin to crave water.

To begin with, you should drink a glass of water inrepparttar 112965 morning first thing, before you eat. This is probablyrepparttar 112966 easiest glass you will drink all day and it will help you remember to drink water all day long. Better yet, why not drink two glasses?

If you really cannot bearrepparttar 112967 taste of water, try using a water purifying pitcher or filter. You can also add a few drops of lemon or lime to your water – but no sugar or sweetener! Ice also helps.

Check out flavored waters onrepparttar 112968 market, too. Just keep an eye out for additives.


Do not skip breakfast. If you need to go to bed a little earlier so that you can get up 20 minutes earlier each morning – do it! Breakfast is so important to your good health and to weight control. According to Dr. Barbara Rolls a professor of nutrition at Penn State University, "Your metabolism slows while you sleep, and it doesn't rev back up until you eat again."

Eating breakfast is not only good for overall weight loss, it will help you stay on track with your dietrepparttar 112969 rest ofrepparttar 112970 day. You are more likely to binge on something sweet and inrepparttar 112971 “bread” group if you skip breakfast.

You can always keep a couple of hard-boiled eggs inrepparttar 112972 fridge or some high-fiber, low starch fruit around. If you plan to eat fruit at all duringrepparttar 112973 day, breakfast isrepparttar 112974 perfect time to do it. SUCCESS TIP NO. 3: EAT AT LEAST 3 MEALS AND 2 SNACKS EACH DAY

This can be one ofrepparttar 112975 hardest adjustments to make. After all, you are busy! You already have a “full-plate”. When do you have time to worry about filling your plate with more frequent meals?

Just like eating breakfast will increase your metabolism, so will eating more often. This will also help you curb your bad-carb intake by making sure that your snacks are planned and occur regularly throughoutrepparttar 112976 day.

Really, it will just take a minimal investment of planning time atrepparttar 112977 grocery store and at home each morning before you head out forrepparttar 112978 day to make some healthy food choices and prepare a few healthy snacks and meals. For suggestions, just seerepparttar 112979 handy list of snacks and appetizers listed later.


This is one easy way to remember what not to eat. If it is made from sugar, flour, potatoes, rice or corn - just say no. Remembering this rule of thumb will make it easier to recognize those rice cakes as an unhealthy high-carb snack.

Always look for colorful fruits and veggies to substitute forrepparttar 112980 white ones. Buy broccoli, lettuce, bell peppers, green beans and peas, brown rice in moderation, leafy greens like kale and spinach, apples, melons, oranges and grapes.

These foods are not only colorful they are also high in fiber, nutrients and important antioxidants. Eating colorful fruits and vegetables will give your diet variety as well as give you added health benefits.


It is so easy to use a low-carb diet as an excuse for poor nutrition. Resist this temptation. Ifrepparttar 112981 only vegetable you have eaten inrepparttar 112982 last 5 years has beenrepparttar 112983 potato, now is a good time to begin experimenting with other vegetables. This is important for your overall health and to avoid some nasty side effects of not getting enough fiber in your diet.

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