Nurturing Your Soul

Written by Lael Johnson

Copyright 2005 Writer's Eye Advisory Service

Number Yourself: Count yourself as an important individual. You are important. You need to be counted and acknowledged especially when you are helping others. One way that you can do this is by taking proper care of your self (having enough sleep, food, exercise and relaxation). Then you will have enough energy to help others and liverepparttar rest of your busy life. Sounds too basic? It's supposed to be. It'srepparttar 140385 basics that hold daily life together.

Understand Yourself: Think about how this fits into your self-care. If you understand when you are hungry, then you will eat and renew your energy. This happens with any other activity, such as sleep or exercise. Likewise, when you know your needs, you can take action to meet them, instead of ignoring them, and making your helping work and your daily life that much more difficult.

Respect Yourself: Believe in yourself, your talents and your abilities. Focus onrepparttar 140386 times in your life, when you know that your actions or words helped someone else to change their life. Helping others is not about being compensated by material rewards. It is about being compensated by experiencing intangible rewards, including high self-esteem, confidence and satisfaction of a job well done.

Take Care of Yourself: To help others, you do need to take care of yourself. I've already mentioned some ways that you can do that. Work toward maintaining balance, emotionally, physically, socially, mentally and spiritually in your life. Then you will be able to help others with more energy as well as not depleting your own resources.

Independence Forever!

Written by Mark Cole

Copyright 2005 Mark Cole

“I must be independent as long as I live,” John Adams once said.

And so it all began,repparttar life of this incredible man: lawyer, patriot, diplomat, President, husband and father – and above all else, a man of independence.

His father was a minister and naturally enough was eager for his son to follow in his footsteps. But what Adams as a boy really wanted to do was to become – gasp! – a farmer. Horrified by this presumptive career choice, Reverend Adams organized a demonstration day of sorts where they would work together for a day, father and son, inrepparttar 140384 fields underrepparttar 140385 burning sun, just like farmers. He would show young John whatrepparttar 140386 life ofrepparttar 140387 farmer entailed, day in and day out. Surely that would breakrepparttar 140388 young boy of his belief thatrepparttar 140389 life ofrepparttar 140390 farmer is a good one. Or so he thought.

The day was long andrepparttar 140391 work was hard. Reverend Adams toiled and sweated. In secret delight,repparttar 140392 boy struggled to keep uprepparttar 140393 pace with his father.

Later, inrepparttar 140394 debriefing over dinner, a famished, aching and sun-scorched Reverend Adams confidently asked John, “Well, John, are you satisfied with being a farmer?”

“Yes, sir, I like it very much,”repparttar 140395 boy proudly answered.

His father’s attempt to straighten out his thinking about farming having failed, John was nonetheless sent back torepparttar 140396 Latin school.

Independence forever.

Institutional school was never Adams’ strong suit. He foundrepparttar 140397 teachers pedantic, boring and slow. The young Adams was either way behind, or, whenrepparttar 140398 inclination took hold, as it often did with mathematics, he would dash ahead and dorepparttar 140399 exercises forrepparttar 140400 entire book whilerepparttar 140401 rest ofrepparttar 140402 class plodded along together at a more leisurely pace.

Independence forever.

Out of desperation, his father sent John to study one-on-one with a local scholar, Joseph Marsh. Marsh reported back that John had an exceptionally keen mind – though he also reported to Reverend Adams that he was, according to Adams biographer Page Smith:

“…a curious combination of traits – sober and reserved, passionate and intense, stiff and shy yet affectionate and responsive; impulsive, headstrong, sharp-tongued, with an aggressive self-assurance….”

Rarely has a more accurate description of a human being been set forth. Impulsive? Headstrong? Aggressively self-assured?

Independence forever.

As time went on, John Adams lost his exclusive fondness for farming, developed a passion for intellectual pursuits (at least those which interested him), and, no doubt torepparttar 140403 relief of his father, attended Harvard and then settled on a legal career.

His legal skills rapidly led him to becomerepparttar 140404 most prominent attorney in Boston. It was not long before he took uprepparttar 140405 cause of American independence, linking arms with his cousin Sam Adams and fellow Bostonian John Hancock. Inrepparttar 140406 aftermath ofrepparttar 140407 Boston Tea Party he wrote, “The die is cast. Swim or sink, live or die, survive or perish with my country was my unalterable determination.”

Independence forever.

At 38, Adams was elected torepparttar 140408 Continental Congress as a resolute and steadfast proponent of independence. He forcefully advocatedrepparttar 140409 patriot position every chance he got. But he was more, much more, than just an orator. John Adams was a tireless worker. Eventually he served on some fifty committees, chairing half of them. His legendary work ethic earned him nickname “The Atlas of Independence” as so much ofrepparttar 140410 movement was on his shoulders.

In 1776,repparttar 140411 time had arrived. Continental Congressman Adams chaired a special committee charged withrepparttar 140412 duty of crafting a declaration of independence. The others onrepparttar 140413 committee were Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingstone, Roger Sherman, and of course, Thomas Jefferson. Adams and Jefferson were responsible forrepparttar 140414 creation ofrepparttar 140415 document. Jefferson didrepparttar 140416 actual writing. Whenrepparttar 140417 task was complete, each ofrepparttar 140418 committee members, together with 51 other men, pledged their lives, fortune and sacred honor forrepparttar 140419 cause.

Independence forever.

John Adams was often right about things. But he was convinced he was always right. And he simply would not compromise with or tolerate those who disagreed with him when he was in this mode, even referring to other men as “fools” right to their faces.

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