Now Creating Your Own Distance Learning Courses Makes More Sense Than Ever

Written by Susan Dunn, WebStrategies for Coaches & Entrepreneurs

Peope are flocking to distance learning to grow personally and professionally. When you create and teach a DL course, you help people, establish your expertise, promote your practice, and generate passive revenue.


Check out copyright laws at . Attachrepparttar © to your materials, and respectrepparttar 105341 copyrights of others.

Offer options – streaming video, audio, teleconference, packaged, modules, self-paced, or all. Include individualized instruction, and email interaction, and make your products licensable (another revenue stream).

Plan lesson and homework to take one hour a week, for busy adult learners. For free bridge line, go to .


You can see (or may have experienced),repparttar 105342 tremendous advantages to DL- ·Flexibility forrepparttar 105343 student ·Access torepparttar 105344 instructor ·Affordable and convenient ·Concentrate in privacy and convenience of own home or office ·Self-paced learning ·Ability to reach diverse individuals globally and accommodate different learning styles ·Once established,repparttar 105345 courses run themselves

Good, Bad or Indifferent

Written by by Bob Osgoodby

Good, Bad or Indifferent by Bob Osgoodby

It has been said that person's reputation isrepparttar most important thing they have. Good, Bad or Indifferent, whatever it is, it will shape their life, as well as their future. Many people who start a business fall intorepparttar 105339 "Indifferent" category, as they have not had time to build one. This is one reason people who are starting a business hire a spokesperson. It is normally someone who is well known and respected in his or her field.

If you intend to do business onrepparttar 105340 web, a good reputation is extremely important. The web is a difficult medium on which to pursue a business if you are unknown. That is why it is important to have a web site that gives your prospective customers information about, not only your business, but you as well. A short paragraph or two with your picture will go a long way.

But that is justrepparttar 105341 beginning. You must also be known onrepparttar 105342 web as a person who is knowledgeable in your field. There are a number of ways to do this, and exposure isrepparttar 105343 key. How can you get your name in front of people as an expert?

Some gorepparttar 105344 "spam" route, which is a mistake. You might get to be well known, but most people have a dislike for this type of email. You just may be building a "bad" reputation, and wind up being someone they consciously avoid. I receive information concerning recasting my home mortgage, on a daily basis and these arerepparttar 105345 last people I would do business with.

Writing articles is a good way to get known. Publishers have an ongoing need for fresh articles and normally welcome submissions. A search ofrepparttar 105346 web will quickly find publications, which would be suitable for your submissions. You should also publish your articles at web sites that allow submission there. Many publishers frequent these sites looking for content for their publications. A good place to start is Rozey Gean's site at: where you can easily submit your article.

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