Not all apartment leases are created equal

Written by dan the roommate man

Before signing any lease:

* Take a walk throughrepparttar unit that you are renting to make sure it is in good repair.

* Be sure to readrepparttar 110539 lease completely. All leases are notrepparttar 110540 same.

What should be included in your lease:

* All verbal promises should be reduced to writing withinrepparttar 110541 lease.

* Are there provisions for a job transfer withinrepparttar 110542 lease?

* How and when do you give notice to move? Must you give notice even whenrepparttar 110543 lease expires and you wish to move? Can you go month to month atrepparttar 110544 expiration of you lease?

* How long doesrepparttar 110545 landlord have to return your security deposit once you have moved.


Written by dan the roommate man

1. Who is going to bring what things torepparttar room? Who is going to bringrepparttar 110537 television, VCR, refrigerator, etc.? How many of each of these do we need?

2. When will you be moving in? Will these be different times? Who is going to help you move in? Do we need to alternate times?

3. How willrepparttar 110538 room be decorated? How many things do we need to have to have our room be 'home like?' Will this only be one person's decorations?

When you move in, take time to talk to your roommate about:

1. Your sleep habits. Are you a heavy or light sleeper? Do you enjoy early or late nights? How about naps?

2. Your study habits. When do you study? What kind of noise can be inrepparttar 110539 room while you study? Do you need advance warning?

3. How clean are we going to keep our room? When will we clean? Which areas can one another clean?

4. Use of possessions. Can everything be shared? Which items can guests use?

5. What about friends coming over? How often can people spendrepparttar 110540 night? How many friends can be over at once? Do you need advance warning?

6. Security. When willrepparttar 110541 room be locked? Who will take responsibility for these times?

7. Communication. How will we communicate to each other when there is a problem? What about phone messages? Who can userepparttar 110542 phone, computer,etc?

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