Not Getting the Support or Buy-In You Want? Try a little empathy!

Written by Manya Arond-Thomas

"It’s not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance." Thomas Huxley

"An open ear isrepparttar only believable sign of an open heart." David Augsburger

"A human being is a part ofrepparttar 104946 whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated fromrepparttar 104947 rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures andrepparttar 104948 whole of nature in its beauty." Albert Einstein

As someone who's always been interested in and curious aboutrepparttar 104949 "soft skills" that make individuals, groups, and teams particularly effective, it seems to me that empathy has gotten short shrift in terms of just how powerful a capability it is in influencing people, building relationships, getting buy-in and motivation, and creating resilience both personally and in systems. I've also been bemused byrepparttar 104950 irony of that expression, asrepparttar 104951 soft stuff isrepparttar 104952 hard stuff for many of us!

In working with an executive coaching client recently, I was asked to conduct some interviews for 360 feedback, and was struck byrepparttar 104953 importance her peers and bosses placed on her being able to understand and hold her customers' perspectives.

In fact, without actually usingrepparttar 104954 word "empathy", a number ofrepparttar 104955 interviewees indicated it was a key success factor if my client wants to be more effective in her leadership and influence, even though she is already perceived as a very caring, people-competent director.

So what are we talking about exactly? The American Heritage Dictionary defines empathy as "Understanding so intimate thatrepparttar 104956 feelings, thoughts, and motives of one are readily comprehended by another."

Inrepparttar 104957 emotional intelligence lexicon, empathy isrepparttar 104958 core, critical competence of social awareness. In this context, particularly as it applies to business performance and organizations, empathy isrepparttar 104959 ability to understand other people, to take other and multiple perspectives.

It is based in taking an active interest in others' concerns. The ability to be empathic reflects increasing complexity of perspective and depth of understanding of others, and thus is critical for effective leadership.

Learn From Role Models

Written by Roy Bartell

Learn From Role Models

By: Roy Bartell Copyright (c) 2003 All Rights Reserved

First you have to do research. You have to know your subject.

So you shouldn't be interested in people who have been successful because they've been lucky, like people who have been born into great wealth or married into it. Leave that torepparttar supermarket tabloids. You should be looking forrepparttar 104945 people over who have become successful through their own achievements and hard work.

Role models don't have to be celebrities. In fact, it's probably better if they're not. I hope that your old models are people you know, people whom you know up to daily for specific traits, not just because you admire their talents. These arerepparttar 104946 ones who can provide constant inspiration and wisdom as you work toward your goals.

Learn from people who have made journey before you. Learn from their wisdom. If we're all going through life trying to be smarter, trying to do things better and more effeciently, than it only makes sense to learn from people around us.

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