Not All Free Advertising Is Created Equal

Written by Kori Puckett

Chances are, no matter how long you've been online, that you've used some pretty popular advertising techniques that produced no results for you. Some of you might even still be in that boat right now.

I'm talking about safe lists, ad blasters, free for alls, traffic exchange programs and such. You'll learn sooner or later, if you don't know already, that those making full- time incomes have never had much luck with those and they won't waste their time with them.

And you shouldn't either. Even some of us that do know this can still get suckered in becauserepparttar people who peddle these ineffective, time wasting advertising techniques make it sound so simple and easy. Which is exactly what people want--simple and easy. They want a magic button that they can push and call it a day and expect to retire byrepparttar 100880 next afternoon.

How To Screen Your Visitors When Using Pay Per Click Advertising

Written by Rich Hamilton, Jr

If you are using pay per click advertising, I don't need to tell you that it can get very expensive if you have a lot of unnecessary click throughs. In this article I will explain how to screen your visitors and how to apply it to your pay per click advertising campaign, so that you can screen your visitors before they click through.

How It Works

To minimizerepparttar amount of unnecessary click throughs, we are going to talk about a screening technique that is used in copywriting. A good copywriter hasrepparttar 100879 ablity to screenrepparttar 100880 serious individuals fromrepparttar 100881 test pilots, beforerepparttar 100882 sale is initially made.

By using this screening technique you will dramatically decreaserepparttar 100883 amount of refunds that you could be receiving. In this case, you need to be specific about your product or service without giving too many details, this will eliminate unnecessary click throughs.

When it comes time to develop an ad that best describes your offer, you need to use precise wording. If you use any ambiguous words, phrases or statements in your ads, you will confuserepparttar 100884 viewer, making them either click through or leave. You need to keep in mind that every click through is costing you money, so you need to make sure that you are targeting your market and that each of your visitors are qualified.

Applying The Headline

When placing a pay per click advertisement there are two things that you need to pay attention to,repparttar 100885 headline andrepparttar 100886 description. The headline is used to grab their attention, build their curiousity and force them to read on. The difficult part is thatrepparttar 100887 pay per click ads only allow you a limited amount of characters, usually up to 50. Your attention grabbing headline will end up being only three or four words. You need to make your headline jump out atrepparttar 100888 viewer, but atrepparttar 100889 same time, you need to be specific.

One ofrepparttar 100890 biggest mistakes I often see, is that people use their business name forrepparttar 100891 headline of their pay per click advertisement. A business name is not going to grab their attention or motivate them to readrepparttar 100892 description. For example, let me ask you which headline would grab your attention and motivate you to readrepparttar 100893 description, "Elites Marketing" or "Earn $47 - $270 Per Sale". Do you seerepparttar 100894 difference betweenrepparttar 100895 two headlines and how specificrepparttar 100896 second one was?

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