Nostradamus 'Saw'

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Nostradamus ‘Saw’:

The Luciferians arerepparttar inner cabal ofrepparttar 144998 Vatican according to Malachi Martin (And have been for a long time as I have demonstrated in other books.). They created that fiction about 'forrepparttar 144999 good of mankind' which led to Salvation after Jesus was crucified. They have grown rich beyond their wildest imaginations asrepparttar 145000 benefits of special dispensations and confessionals have poured in to their coffers. They have been given large amounts ofrepparttar 145001 land as well as special tax status that their Divine Kings share.

Chopra wrote about Merlin as an analogy of sorts; but Merlin (Who prophesized Joan of Arc for one.) may well have been a name ofrepparttar 145002 advisor/sorcerer to a Arthurian Merovingian king that archaeology shows did live on Cadbury Hill. The Royal Stuart and Merovingian group when joined in social engineering efforts like religion or The Royal Society arerepparttar 145003 Hibernians. I think Arthur ofrepparttar 145004 real legend was from a far earlier time; butrepparttar 145005 creation ofrepparttar 145006 Grail fiction byrepparttar 145007 Hibernian who foundedrepparttar 145008 Cistercian Order is a Luciferian myth. This is Bernard of Clairvaux and later we have another well known occultist participating withrepparttar 145009 Borgias/De Medicis inrepparttar 145010 founding ofrepparttar 145011 Jesuits byrepparttar 145012 Alumbrados (bringers of light). The Hibernian involved withrepparttar 145013 Borgias/De Medicis inrepparttar 145014 founding ofrepparttar 145015 Jesuits was Nostradamus. Bernard was a double agent inrepparttar 145016 ‘play both ends againstrepparttar 145017 middle’ game they play. He sat onrepparttar 145018 Inquisitor Panels and yet helped Chrétien de Troyes write a Parsifal tale. But if Nostradamus had a “stone’ to seerepparttar 145019 future as we see onrepparttar 145020 cover of books about him; who else in their number had this awesome tool? Let us considerrepparttar 145021 words of John Dominic Crossan of De Paul University for some historical insight into Divination.

“Magic as Religious Banditry

Recall from earlier how Eric Hobsbawm’s concept ofrepparttar 145022 Robin Hood element in social banditry was severely criticized by Anton Blok. Blok was, I argued, superficially correct but profoundly wrong. Bandits may seldom robrepparttar 145023 rich and give torepparttar 145024 poor and even more seldom robrepparttar 145025 rich to give torepparttar 145026 poor, butrepparttar 145027 validity and perdurance ofrepparttar 145028 Robin Hood mystique is based firmly onrepparttar 145029 fact that they do robrepparttar 145030 monopoly of violence fromrepparttar 145031 rich and distribute it torepparttar 145032 poor, and, more significantly, they rob aristocratic and structural violence ofrepparttar 145033 veneer of morality under which it operates. They forcerepparttar 145034 question: what isrepparttar 145035 moral difference between a gang and an army, a peasant bandit onrepparttar 145036 make and an imperial entrepreneur onrepparttar 145037 throne.

“For Love of Ghosts” Chaplain Takes “Hollywood” out of Hauntings

Written by RobinRenee Bridges




CONTACT: Robin Renee Bridges Spirit Sanctuary

“FOR LOVE OF GHOSTS” CHAPLAIN TAKES “HOLLYWOOD” OUT OF HAUNTINGS Charlotte North Carolina – June 16, 2005 – Chaplain and author, Robin Renee Bridges, hopes to clear uprepparttar misconceptions aboutrepparttar 144855 nature ofrepparttar 144856 soul andrepparttar 144857 afterlife. In her landmark book, A Bridge of Love between Heaven and Earth: Self-Induced Contact inrepparttar 144858 Afterlife, she analyzesrepparttar 144859 nature ofrepparttar 144860 soul inrepparttar 144861 afterlife, including its concerns and capabilities, and applies this information torepparttar 144862 ghostly sights and activities exhibited during a haunting.

Using her experiences with self-induced contact inrepparttar 144863 afterlife andrepparttar 144864 teachings ofrepparttar 144865 Sanctuary, a spiritual development leader, she explains where ghosts come from, how they manifest themselves to us, and why skeptics never encounter them.

She denies erroneous concepts, such as, “caught between worlds,” “going torepparttar 144866 light,” and “soul fragmentation.” She repudiatesrepparttar 144867 absurdities concerning children and hauntings withrepparttar 144868 good news that they immediately ascend intorepparttar 144869 realms ofrepparttar 144870 afterlife in purity and innocence. She exposesrepparttar 144871 unfounded fears about negative entities and demons by definingrepparttar 144872 range of activities that are allowed inrepparttar 144873 afterlife.

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