Non-Stop Marketing Machine

Written by Katherine Vargo

What isrepparttar best way to market your company? How can you generate more sales? Use these ideas to develop your company's most effective sales tool, your web site.

Company Information: Provide information about your company and products - List your products and services - Display a map to your store location(s) - List store hours -Provide a company history

Marketing Showcase: Promote your company - Press releases - News articles - Case studies - Customer Testimonials

Customer Service Tool: Make it easier for customers to schedule appointments or fill-out applications or forms - Calendar of events or activities - Forms to download and print - Surveys and customer feedback - Online scheduling of services and appointments

Guide to a Profitable Marketing Mix

Written by Bobette Kyle

You may have heardrepparttar term Marketing Mix used in connection with marketing planning.

Marketing Mix meansrepparttar 120381 combination of promotions, products, places (distribution channels), and prices you chose for your business. Including both short term and long term strategies inrepparttar 120382 marketing mix can make for a more profitable business.

Long term strategies build brand/company awareness and give sales revenue a permanent, gradual boost. Short term strategies create a temporary, immediate revenue boost by giving buyers an incentive to purchase.

By implementing both long and short term strategies, you can attend to immediate sales goals while building your business reputation and goodwill. Some examples of both types of strategies are below.

Long Term Strategies

Branding. General advertisements and other high profile activities contribute to your company's image. These points of contact with your target customer help mold your image, which in turn can create loyalty from your customers.

Philanthropy. Donating money, services, and/or time can build trust and a positive image for your business. Philanthropy contributes both toward your branding efforts and your company's internal well being.

New Product Pipeline. New products in development represent your future sales. If you get feedback from your customers or potential target market then design new products (or change existing ones) to meet their needs, you are ensuring a demand for your products inrepparttar 120383 future.

Short Term Strategies

Reduced Price Sales. Limited time sales encourage customers to act. You likely have customers intending to buy but have not "gotten around to it". Holding a sale will give them incentive to purchase.

Group Discounts and Offers. Discounts or other offers to a specific group can help exposure your business to new customers, resulting in a sales surge.

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