No Plan - No Cash - Back to Square One!

Written by Michael Harrison

Back to square one

If you look, see, hear and think you will learn.

Sounds obvious but how many do it?

I am a self confessed infoholic. My addiction is information on topics that interest me; world affairs/politics, business and sport. I am interested in ‘cause and effect' sorepparttar net result is I read a lot.

Not just novels like most people but what interests me.

It's amazing what you see, what it means and what you learn. Recently I came across two short articles inrepparttar 102930 same journal on facing pages and they said so much about why people fail in business and yet, do people ever learn?

One article gave statistics on businesses failing from cash flow problems andrepparttar 102931 other was about a business that went down because it's single largest customer placed it's business elswhere.

In summary it goes like this; a survey revealed that inrepparttar 102932 UK 100,000 businesses fail each year because their owners fail to do any financial planning.

25% of firms never set any financial targets.

35% have never set aside funds for employee development.

20% admitted to beginning to plan when it was too late.

50% blamed this on not having enough time.

They were surprised to learn that these causes of failure were greater than adverse trading conditions.

The failed business was a very cost sensitive business that did sub contract machining.

Established 49 years it employed 12 people. It was dropped by it's single biggest customer and ran out of cash.

The owner has now re started as a ‘sole trader' doingrepparttar 102933 same subcontract machining and ‘working all hours' to survive.

He says he has learned his lesson and will not contract for work from businesses inrepparttar 102934 sector ofrepparttar 102935 company that dropped him. In effect he is back to square one.

I admire his tenacity and wish him well forrepparttar 102936 future but these two tales tell us so much that should be applied as normal business practice.

Lindquist Goes Live With Encompix ETO ERP

Written by Roger Meloy

Located in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Lindquist Machine Corporation (LMC) builds custom machines for U.S. and international customers. For over 50 years, LMC has been solving customers' problems in industries such as food, printing, paper, film, construction, and power tools. Unlike many other ETO companies, LMC does not always design its products. Their primary focus is to partner with their customers to build custom machines to their customers' designs. LMC fills a need inrepparttar marketplace where companies do not haverepparttar 102929 capability or capacity to build their own machines. LNC plan to go live with Encompix in April 2005.

Thomas R. Cutler, spokesperson forrepparttar 102930 ETO Institute ( said, “The ETO Institute recognizes Encompix asrepparttar 102931 clear cut leader inrepparttar 102932 Engineer-to-Order environment. The ability to trackrepparttar 102933 rework is so central torepparttar 102934 ETO process that it is a central quality issue.”

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