No Pecans in This Pecan Pie!

Written by Joyce Moseley Pierce

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No Pecans in this Pecan Pie! (618 words) by: Joyce Moseley Pierce

I used to think I wasrepparttar 111487 only one who likedrepparttar 111488 gooey filling in pecan pie but hatedrepparttar 111489 pecans on top. That all changed when one of my co-workers commented one day that he, too, hated picking throughrepparttar 111490 pecans to get torepparttar 111491 good stuff.

For his birthday, I decided my contribution torepparttar 111492 birthday treat table would be a pecan-free pecan pie. I got out my trusty Betty Crocker cookbook and looked up "Pecan Pie." I considered just baking it and leavingrepparttar 111493 pecans out, but was delighted to find a "Coconut-Oatmeal Pie." Having seen pecan pies before and marveled at repparttar 111494 craftmanship involved in arranging all of those pecan halves onrepparttar 111495 top made me wonder how I would ever place those tiny pieces of coconut and oatmeal onrepparttar 111496 top of this pie without using tweezers!

Not being one who generally readsrepparttar 111497 entire recipe before plowing right into it, you can imagine my delight when I got torepparttar 111498 part that said to "stir in coconut and oatmeal." I paced aroundrepparttar 111499 oven anticipating how it would all come together and to my surprise, magic occurred! The coconut and oatmeal joined during baking to form a beautiful crisp, lacey topping.

Not havingrepparttar 111500 option of tastingrepparttar 111501 pie before I paraded it throughrepparttar 111502 halls to place it onrepparttar 111503 birthday table, I could only hope that it would be pleasing to all who might try it. As it ended up, I didn't have to worry about anyone butrepparttar 111504 birthday boy! He liked it so well that after one piece he sneaked it off to his office and either gorged on it forrepparttar 111505 rest ofrepparttar 111506 day or took it home with him that night. All I know is that I didn't have to take a dirty pie pan home with me! It was returned to me clean a few days days later.

Caramel Corn

Written by Joyce Moseley Pierce

Microwave Caramel Corn by: Joyce Moseley Pierce - 437 words

Part ofrepparttar hesitation in making caramel corn isrepparttar 111486 sticky, gooey mess that remains once you've finished making it. You almost need a blow torch to removerepparttar 111487 hardened sugary stuff from your pans.

Help is onrepparttar 111488 way! This recipe can be made in your microwave, and when you're finished, you can just throwrepparttar 111489 paper sack away.

This doesn't mean that it doesn't take a little preparation time, but at least you can relax and enjoyrepparttar 111490 finished product without having to worry about a lot of cleanup.

Next time you go torepparttar 111491 grocery store, ask for your groceries in paper bags. You'll need one bag per batch.

Here's what you'll need: 3-4 quarts popped corn

1 stick of butter (no substitutes!) 3/4 cup brown sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 cup Karo Syrup

1 tsp baking soda - add last

Poprepparttar 111492 corn and discardrepparttar 111493 unpopped kernels. Putrepparttar 111494 popped corn inrepparttar 111495 paper sack. Whilerepparttar 111496 corn is popping, putrepparttar 111497 butter, sugar, salt and syrup in a glass bowl and bring it to a boil in your microwave. Stir after one minute, and let it boil for an additional minute. Add one tsp of baking soda and stir well, until thickened. It will turn light in color and look like taffy. Pour this mixture overrepparttar 111498 popped corn inrepparttar 111499 paper bag and shake well. Putrepparttar 111500 paper bag back inrepparttar 111501 microwave and cook an additional 1-1/2 minutes (90 seconds). Remove and shake well again. Return torepparttar 111502 microwave and cook another 1-1/2 minutes. Shake again. Openrepparttar 111503 bag and let it cool. You can even tearrepparttar 111504 bag downrepparttar 111505 side and speed uprepparttar 111506 process.

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