No Nonsense Ways To Accept Yourself The Way You Are!

Written by Ambreen Ishrat

"10001 lousy ways to get everything underrepparttar sun!"

"200 lousy tips to get laid and be happy about it!"

"24 power pack sessions to Change your sorry life forrepparttar 130649 better from Ed Kazinsk-

The- let- me -help-you-although- I-can't -help- myself- guru!"

You have heard them, you have seen them! Book stores, magazine shelves are full of self help books and manuals, videos and tapes. Even magazines such asrepparttar 130650 likes of Cosmo are full of with such over zealous titles.

If this isn't enough; your In box gets filled with messages like:

"Get a bigger ^^ in less than 29 days"

"Becomerepparttar 130651 man/woman you have always wanted"

"Becomerepparttar 130652 woman every guy desires"

"For stronger erections, use %^&&"

Uhn Uhn! I see yourself shrugging your shoulder. Go on and say that you don't find this crap relevant because you happen to be really sure of yourself! Think again. How many beauty products does your dressing table hold? What shampoo are you using and how many have you changed so far? Go on count those bottles on your dressing table, that come in all sizes, shapes and colors; yellow, blue, green, teal and what not and ask yourself: "Where arerepparttar 130653 lustrous locks, where isrepparttar 130654 rosy complexion, where isrepparttar 130655 charisma and above all where isrepparttar 130656 guy?"

The self help books, articles, manuals, beauty aids, cosmetics andrepparttar 130657 enhancement products are there; because they have a market, they address a hidden need of people. There are people who actually believe in all this crap and buy them religiously. All these books, tapes and courses promise yourepparttar 130658 world by virtue of following steps ,tactics and products. They promise to super size your member, your bank account and your self esteem. They play upon people's desperation with their existing situation, their dissatisfaction with themselves and who they really are.

Do these self help really work, do they deliver what they promise? What aboutrepparttar 130659 results and their reliability? Even if they work, it is only to a certain minimal and negligible extent. They don't work because they are concerned withrepparttar 130660 ‘look good' factor rather thanrepparttar 130661 ‘feel good' factor and notrepparttar 130662 other way around. You are supposed to improve largely to become like others and to impress them. You are not trying to improve yourself with your own satisfaction. If cure and confidence was supposed to come in a pint sized green bottle, then we would all have become perfect physically and emotionally.

Ifrepparttar 130663 changing ofrepparttar 130664 quintessential self could work so perfectly then all of these self-help gurus and coaches, must have been leading perfect lives and would not be so desperately after our money. A few days back, I chanced upon buying a book called "A Guide To Essential Herbs And A Healthy Life Style". The author claimed that he had been using herbs in practically every form since his teen years. Now isn't some one who has been using herbs since ages supposed to look really healthy and robust, defyingrepparttar 130665 ravages of time? But that wasn'trepparttar 130666 case withrepparttar 130667 author. His picture looked like any average Joe's with a double chin, wrinkles and huge bags underrepparttar 130668 eyes. If before I hadrepparttar 130669 resolve to drink broccoli juice because I wanted to look younger than my almost 27 years;repparttar 130670 author's picture was a big turn off.

What these self help books, articles, beauty aids really do is that they imbibe and reinforce in us a feeling of discontent with who we really are and what we actually have. "50 pounds lighter, heavier, younger, bigger, richer, sexier, sleeker and what not." Better, better and better than what we are, who we are. They mislead us into believing that we can change just about anything about ourselves that we want.

Extreme Age Differences In Marriage Can Lead To Infidelity

Written by Ruth Houston

“Extreme age differences between husband and wife may lead to infidelity” says author and infidelity expert, Ruth Houston, who was recently quoted in an article inrepparttar current issue of First for Women magazine. Houston’s comments were included inrepparttar 130648 sidebar of an article inrepparttar 130649 May issue of First entitled “The Surprising Way Women Are Turning Backrepparttar 130650 Clock,” which discussesrepparttar 130651 pros and cons of marriages and relationships in whichrepparttar 130652 woman is considerably older or younger thanrepparttar 130653 man. Disparity in Sex Drives

“The biggest danger” says Houston, author of Is He Cheating on You? (ISBN: 0972055347, $29.95, Lifestyle Publications) “is that in marriages where there is an age difference of 15 to 20 years or more, at some point, there is likely to be a disparity inrepparttar 130654 sex drives ofrepparttar 130655 two people involved. This disparity could be a contributing factor to infidelity if it drives one party to seek sexual fulfillment outsiderepparttar 130656 primary relationship.”

Unable to Relate Due to Generation Gap

Houston points out that lifestyle differences, differences in moral values, even differences in seemingly minor things such as tastes in music, reading, or entertainment may eventually causerepparttar 130657 couple to be unable to relate to each other because of a “generation gap.” If one party begins to seek out members of his or her peer group because they have more things in common with each other, it can lead to problems -- especially if that person is a member ofrepparttar 130658 opposite sex.

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