No, I Mean Really Small Business!

Written by Mike Banks Valentine

Last week I attended two giant web shows atrepparttar Los Angeles Convention Center. The huge InternetWorld Spring 2001 and a concurrent show titled eCRM, both offered inrepparttar 117910 sprawling four block square building inrepparttar 117911 City of Angels. I went to seek out and report on ecommerce solutions forrepparttar 117912 little guy. You know, that's you and me. The companies that have less than 100 employees!

The traditional label of "Small Business" has come to apply to far too many companies. I guess we should adoptrepparttar 117913 term "Microbusiness" to get realistic about what most ofrepparttar 117914 world imagines when you say "Small Business". I mean a business with less than 10 employees and I think most ofrepparttar 117915 rest ofrepparttar 117916 world does too. Monstrous companies define us as invisible.

Well picture this if you will, I brazenly approached one sales guy (there were dozens of them) at Siebel Systems booth (more like a small city dominating 10 spaces inrepparttar 117917 convention center). I simply asked him "Does Siebel offer any solutions forrepparttar 117918 small business?"

His response was predictable. "Our enterprise solutions can be applied across multiple platforms to unite all legacy systems throughout . . ."

STOP right there please! You might just as well have said a very simple NO! You could go on to say something really quite derogatory like, "NO, you puny imbecile! If we created anything for worker ants like you, we'd be broke in nothing flat! Go away and come see us when you have $30 grand or so to spend and we'll be happy to TALK with you then!"

I have to be honest and say thatrepparttar 117919 Siebel salesman was really very courteous and pleasant. It's justrepparttar 117920 fact that they don't get big by providing small solutions for small business people. So here is my list of really worthwhile solutions that I was able to find for at InternetWorld 2001.

As reported last week, my best of show award goes to CallButton. Reasonably priced, powerful, all around useful and a great ROI (return on investment) potential for small businesses online.

This is another of my picks from a previous conference calledrepparttar 117921 Upside Events Showcase 2001. I like it so much I'm making it a repeat winner since they've now partnered with Expert City. Someone else clearly agreed with me on this one. ;-)

This company offers free classified ads for your web site. Hold on now, not just another business opportunities classified site. These folks offer searchable, co-branded, subject specific ads and auctions that matchrepparttar 117922 theme of your site! Brilliant!

Minimize Your Office And Equipment Start-Up Costs

Written by Maria Stefanova

When you set up your office area you have to consider clients, suppliers, family, neighbors and yourself. The balance is easy to achieve when you keep in mindrepparttar double function your home has from now on: a home and an office. Below I outlinerepparttar 117909 baby-steps that will help you to achieve this balance. Define your work area

This isrepparttar 117910 first step on your path to success. If you don't have a defined work area, a place that says to you "While You Are Here, You Are At Work!", then you will probably stumble in a lot of distractions and byrepparttar 117911 end ofrepparttar 117912 day you will be surprised with how little you have done. You should not limit your idea of work area to space only. Consider time dimensions, too. Your coach could be your office, if your family knows that you are working and not sleeping, pettingrepparttar 117913 cat or watching TV.

You should always keep in mind your cost. If defining your area means drywall, purchasing that awesome coach and a new carpet, then you'd better reconsider. Your business will be pretty slow forrepparttar 117914 first few months, so you'd better save that money for promotion and to secure your basic expenses.

Equip it

Equipment is always a two-sided issue—you have to keep your costs at a minimum and atrepparttar 117915 same time you have to be professional and not to look "cheap".

The first place to start cutting your costs is furniture. Think classic, think second-hand, and think professional use! Don't fall for that brand-new filling cabinet for "home use"—it is likely to become outdated very soon and fall apart just when you need it. You will be better off with a comfortable second-hand chair, table and filling cabinet that were actually used and proved to be sturdy enough.

Now, let's look atrepparttar 117916 "tools". In most ofrepparttar 117917 cases they constitute of your computer, keyboard, mouse, printer and your website. It is my personal observation thatrepparttar 117918 most sensitive pieces of equipment arerepparttar 117919 mouse andrepparttar 117920 keyboard, so I would recommend that you considerrepparttar 117921 best quality for these two. Your monitor is also very important, but I've found that you don't need Sony in order to feel comfortable and keep your eyes healthy. A good alternative is CTX.

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