Nine Simple eBay Selling Hints

Written by Terry Gibbs

Some of these eBay hints will save you money, others will result in higher prices. Either way, these will help you run more profitable eBay auctions.

1. Write a simple description and do not clutter your auction with unneeded items like animated Gifs, and colored backgrounds. Remember, you are selling not entertaining.

2. Charge a flat rate for shipping, and mentionrepparttar shipping costs prominently within your auction description.

3. Write a title that accurately describes your item. Use manufacturers name and model number withinrepparttar 100201 title if applicable.

4. Write a detailed description that allows prospective bidders to make a decision about purchasingrepparttar 100202 item. A basic tip isrepparttar 100203 description can never be too long as long as it is describingrepparttar 100204 item.

5. Include large clear photographs. Invest in some lights and a quality camera. Your investment will pay for itself in higher eBay selling prices within only a few auctions.

6. Host your own pictures. By hosting your own pictures, you will save money, and, more importantly, be able to use as many pictures as you need to adequately show eBay bidders your item. This isrepparttar 100205 simplest thing to do, and yet 70 percent of eBay sellers ignore this simple tip.

An Introduction To eBay Consignment

Written by Terry Gibbs

After I started selling on eBay, I was approached by friends without computers who wanted me to sell their items for them. They had heard stories aboutrepparttar outrageous prices items some ebay auctions brought. They knew I could get more money for them on eBay than they could get sellingrepparttar 100200 items themselves. An added incentive to them was I did allrepparttar 100201 work. All they had to do is say "I don't want this anymore, sell it for me;" and within a few weeks I converted their castoffs into cash.

I was already selling on eBay, and I had developed a system for listing and dealing with sales that allowed me to list lots of items in a short time. The chance to make a few dollars without any investment was too much to pass up. I made some good money doing this and because I didn't have to tie up my money buying inventory I was able to use it to grow my train business.

Consignment Selling Is The Perfect Way To Start Your Own eBay Business.

There are no set up fees or investments. You won't need to risk your own money buying items to resell. You don't need a detailed knowledge of antiques and collectibles. You only need to know how to findrepparttar 100202 right category, write an adequate description and take some high quality photos.

Selling on consignment allows you to learn about antiques and collectibles without risking your own money. By selling other people's items you learnrepparttar 100203 value of items inrepparttar 100204 most practical way. By handling them and selling them. No matter how many price guides you read, and antique shows you attend, you will never getrepparttar 100205 feel for items until you sell them.

When you sell on consignment, you provide a service that makes your clients additional money. When most people sell something, they sell to a dealer who needs to mark uprepparttar 100206 item to make a profit. This is not what happens on eBay.

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