Nine Advance Networking Skills for Seasoned Networkers

Written by Catherine Franz

A seasoned networker knowsrepparttar real meaning of networking -- being organized, efficient, effective, and, of course, workrepparttar 103886 event to its fullest. Attending networking groups after so many years can tire and drain anyone’s excitement. Especially since these situations are not social events. It is easy to have one foot inrepparttar 103887 event andrepparttar 103888 other some place else. A major challenge for all networkers is to be there with both feet.

What propels someone to advance networker? Is itrepparttar 103889 number of events orrepparttar 103890 number of years they attend? No. Is itrepparttar 103891 delicate balance and expertise on how they workrepparttar 103892 event? Yes.

Here are nine techniques that raise networkers skill level:

1. Business cards. If you are networking for a new job or career, there is nothing inappropriate about having a business card with a tag line of what type of job or company you are seeking.

Basic networkers learn that wearing an outfit with two pockets is important forrepparttar 103893 business card shuffle. Advance networkers think of those pockets as their in-box and an out-boxes.

Aware networkers hand business card exchanges differently. They don't ask forrepparttar 103894 card until they know something aboutrepparttar 103895 person’s functionality and there is a match. No match, no card. When you receive someone’s card; receive it gently with both hands, stop and read it. This shows respect. Respect to who they are and what they do.

Present your card exactlyrepparttar 103896 same way you receive a card. Present with both hands andrepparttar 103897 card’s information facingrepparttar 103898 receiver. Extend your card, with eye contact, and wait for them to receiverepparttar 103899 card. To present and receive in this manner, both hands need to be free.

Keep a pen handy, inrepparttar 103900 out-box pocket with your own cards, for writing tidbits onrepparttar 103901 back. Doing so is also a physical queue that is your pocket in case you forget. In- box, left pocket, is for other’s cards. If you are left- handed,repparttar 103902 boxes are opposite.

Never apologize for your business card. Atrepparttar 103903 last six events I attended, there were at least four people that were apologizing for either not having a business card, or for some error on their card. When this occurs you have zapped your personal power. It sends a signal that you aren't ready to do business. Even quickie inkjet business cards and better than an excuse.

If you don't have any business cards or ran out, I recommend skipping events until you do. Don't say you don't have a card, use this other technique: ask if you can call them and schedulerepparttar 103904 time then. Advance networkers are ready to schedule an appointment right then. Generally seasoned networkers toss any business card if presented with an excuse.

2. Brochures, samples or flyers. If you need to hold any of these use an appropriate see-through sleeve or small see- through carrier. For flyers use a clear sleeve with an in and out business card holders onrepparttar 103905 front. This keeps handouts clean and safe. People don't appreciate receiving paper with bent edges or ragged rims. If you write articles, bring your latest and appropriate copy for handouts. One handout per event is appropriate.

3. Eye contact depends onrepparttar 103906 culture. I'm speaking here forrepparttar 103907 American culture. Make eye contact, both eyes, when presenting your business card or receiving theirs. Make eye contact when shaking hands. And look at them, not their hands. Honorrepparttar 103908 person by maintaining focused eye contact on them.

Seasoned networkers know if you are right handed,repparttar 103909 name tag is placed onrepparttar 103910 right. This allowsrepparttar 103911 name to appear in visual perimeter when shaking hands. Ifrepparttar 103912 name tag is onrepparttar 103913 left, others assume you are left handed and will present their other hand accordingly.

During your 30 seconds, advanced networkers don't begin or continue speaking as they stand or return to their seat. They breathe from their stomach and slowly look aroundrepparttar 103914 room before speaking to gain audience attention and allow people to switch to listening mode.

4. It is not important to meet everyone inrepparttar 103915 room. Userepparttar 103916 time efficiently to meet only those that match your intention. Seasoned networkers know when and how to break- offrepparttar 103917 contact to keep moving. They do so smoothly.

The Diamond Cutter: Buddhist Sucess Model

Written by Janet Ilacqua

Geshe Michael Roach is a Princeton graduate and a Buddhist monk. After graduation, he spent seven years studyingrepparttar wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism. Atrepparttar 103885 suggestion of his teacher, he joined a fledgling diamond business in New York to test his ideals in real life. He stayed withrepparttar 103886 business as a member ofrepparttar 103887 core management team for seventeen years. The company grew from a start-up with two owners and two employees to $100 million in sales and five hundred employees in offices aroundrepparttar 103888 world. The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Strategies for Managing Your Business and Your Life tellsrepparttar 103889 story of how Geshe Michael Roach builtrepparttar 103890 diamond division of this company, using principles culled from ancient Tibetan Buddhism asrepparttar 103891 driving force behind his decision making. Drawing on lessons he learned inrepparttar 103892 diamond business and years in Buddhist monasteries, Roach shows how taking care of others isrepparttar 103893 ultimate path to taking care of oneself, even--especially--in business. As he puts it, you have to engage in "mental gardening," which means doing certain practical things that will form new habits that will create an ideal reality for you. If this sounds a little outrageous, his very precise instructions are down to earth and address numerous specific issues common torepparttar 103894 business/management world. Through this practice, you will become a considerate, generous, introspective, creative person of immense integrity, and that will berepparttar 103895 key to your wealth... A

Some ofrepparttar 103896 many insights in The Diamond Cutter are as follows:

A business should be successful; it should make money. There is no conflict between spirituality and success in business. Successful business people haverepparttar 103897 resources to do more good inrepparttar 103898 world than those people withoutrepparttar 103899 same resources do. In addition,repparttar 103900 very people who are attracted to business arerepparttar 103901 same people who haverepparttar 103902 strength to grasp and carry outrepparttar 103903 deeper practices ofrepparttar 103904 spirit.

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