(Feel free to use this article on your web site. Please keep
entire article intact including all web site links) - Jason MannBuilding an Internet business based on a specific niche is not only good sound business it's smart.
What is a niche?
Boiled down, a niche is a specific area of interest people have. An example of a niche would be remote control cars.
People go crazy for them. They have complete web sites with:
1. Articles
2. Email newsletters
3. Forums
4. Part suppliers
5. Companies who sell popular remote control cars
I could go on and on,
point is, this is a niche market that is both popular and offers a variety of ways to earn income.
Three Steps to Internet Income
1. Find a niche people are interested in.
This part is where research will pay off. Visit Google.com, type in a key phrase, for example, "remote control cars" remembering to add
quotes too.
Look to
right hand side at
Adwords section.
How many ads do you see?
If you see 5-8 this will show you people are spending money to advertise within this niche. This is
first clue this niche is popular.
Now look at
number of pages matching your keywords. If
number is large, say 1,000,000 for example, this means you might want to narrow your key phrase down to something a little more targeted.