Niche Marketing : The Power Of Articles

Written by André Anthony

If you haven't consideredrepparttar power of articles as part of your niche marketing strategy, then you should.

Articles are a great way to drive targeted traffic to your web site, no matter what your niche market may be.

When you provide good information that people want and can use, your reputation and credibility will increase exponentially, making your site visitors more likely to buy your products and services or those you recommend to them.

We've all heardrepparttar 142161 mantra "Content Is King". Based on that premise there is nothing more versatile than using keyword rich articles to :

* Boost your search engine ranking

* Increase your daily visitor count

* Provide viral marketing opportunities

* Attract unlimited prospective customers

* Build a trusting relationship with your customers and subscribers

* Establish yourself as an expert in your niche market

Here's some ofrepparttar 142162 things you can do withrepparttar 142163 articles you write :

* Post keyword rich articles and content on your web-site for better search engine placement.

* Compile a number of them into an ebook related to your niche and sell it.

* Use them inrepparttar 142164 form of "special reports" and "manuals" with your product and affiliate links embedded in them, which you can offer as free gifts for your visitors, subscribers and customers and bonuses for your products and services.

* Create multi-part email training courses to build that all important mailing list.

Health Effects of Internet Marketing

Written by Brian Adamson

It may not rank as a killer like heart disease or cancer, butrepparttar rush by many to participate in internet marketing could be putting them at risk of developing serious health problems both inrepparttar 142112 short andrepparttar 142113 longer term. The aim of this article is to help you avoid those effects and to prosper - painlessly!

In recent years, internet marketing has shot to prominence, both for its obvious successes like Amazon, etc and because of its accessibility to ordinary mortals like you and me. However, this accessibility comes at a price. As people who are often holding down a full-time job take onrepparttar 142114 additional workload of creating an "alternative income", something must, inevitably, give and all too easily it can be your health.

Inrepparttar 142115 early days,repparttar 142116 internet seemed to be for big companies with big budgets. Websites would cost thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars to build andrepparttar 142117 hardware and technical knowledge required to host them was also extensive. Very quickly, however, savvy entrepreneurs realised that this route to market was infinitely less expensive than traditional "bricks and mortar" business. People started piling onrepparttar 142118 internet bandwaggon in droves and a whole new market sprung up to proviserepparttar 142119 structures and services they would "need" to build their successful empires.

Internet marketing was born.

Many a fast buck was made in those early days by unscrupulous self-proclaimed "gurus" who promised instant mega-profits for little or no effort, and many fell prey to them. Indeed, such "instant riches" schemes still exist, as they do in more traditional forms of marketing, it is simply just as much easier forrepparttar 142120 scammer to sell his services inrepparttar 142121 internet as it is for everyone else!

The very accessibility of internet business has meant that many who would not have otherwise considered setting up for themselves have done so, and it is these inexperienced business people who have becomerepparttar 142122 lifeblood ofrepparttar 142123 "internet marketing" system.

Such people are generally not endowed with family-provided trust funds and have to work for a living. This means that they must hold down a job whilst creating their empire and it is this extra commitment andrepparttar 142124 time it entails which can lead to health problems.

Some of these health effects are more obvious than others - poor posture, lack of keyboard (and mouse) skills, inappropriate workstations and badly set-up equipment can all have serious effects onrepparttar 142125 muscles, bones and associated tissues that must support our efforts. Like kids that spend hours on end playing video games, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) from performing mundane, repetitive tasks such as mouse-clicking inrepparttar 142126 same position for prolonged periods of time can have disastrous effects on joints and muscles.

Whilst many (though, by no means all) employers now understandrepparttar 142127 importance of ergonomic workstation design, this is much less likely to be implemented at home - even by those who know better, and a little time take to reorganise your computer desk can generate huge long-term benefits in terms of mobility and pain-free computing.

Similarly, poorly situated monitors, older VDUs and bad video settings can all contribute to eyestrain and even permanent eye-damage. Considered by many to berepparttar 142128 most valuable of senses, vision is not to be messed with andrepparttar 142129 first sign of problems should herald a visit torepparttar 142130 opthalmologist post-haste for a check-up. Just having your monitor atrepparttar 142131 right height, properly located in relation to light sources and correctly set-up can help prevent many ofrepparttar 142132 potential problems and a simple pair of glasses can not only correct for imperfect vision, but reduce glare and reflection-associated strain onrepparttar 142133 eye muscles.

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