Newbies Guide to Writing and Submitting Ezine Articles

Written by Cheryl haining

How many times have you readrepparttar following? If you want to expand your home based business and build an online reputation then all you need to do is write and submit ezine articles. Sounds simple. However I foundrepparttar 119673 task very daunting. So I will share with you what I have learned.

Research and Plan

Firstly you need to writerepparttar 119674 articles. Write on a topic you know something about. Some ideas you have learned building your Internet business, something related to your business opportunity or a hobby or investment opportunity you have. Ensure it is interesting and informative and not just an advertisement for your home business. The most popular articles are between 300 -750 words. To find your word count, go to “tools” inrepparttar 119675 Windows menu. There is an automatic word count tab there. Some ezines want articles to contain 65 characters a line. Here is a formatting tool for free conversion torepparttar 119676 number of characters you want. I do not pay for any listings, nor do I charge for my articles. Here are some tips from on writing good articles. "The first 4 words ofrepparttar 119677 title are crucial to its success. The introduction can berepparttar 119678 first paragraph. Make surerepparttar 119679 article is keyword rich and reflectsrepparttar 119680 theme of your home based business. Never putrepparttar 119681 title inrepparttar 119682 body. Never use more than 3 web addresses and they should all be different. Print a copy, proof read it, and then ask someone else to read it. Your article should look professional, with no spelling mistakes or vague sentences.


When you are satisfied with your article start submitting it to ezines and ezine directories. Look for ezines designed for work at home people, or whatever your article is related to. It is often more time efficient to write a few articles and submit them all together. It is time consuming to manually submit. Some can be submitted thrurepparttar 119683 website others want email attachments. Some ezines want to you to subscribe, before you can submit articles. Establish an email address just for ezines. Consider an address that matches your business, for example if you sell weight loss products use something like Once you start submitting articles you will receive a lot of spam. However you need to read through it, as sometimes there is a request to reuse an article or a request for more articles and sometimes compliments.

Direct Mail Marketing Done Correctly, Cannot Fail

Written by Joy Gendusa

So how do you do it?

Direct mail marketing. When it comes to marketing your product or services there are two basic challenges: 1. How do you obtain new customers or clients?

2. How do you get your existing customers to come back for more?

Direct mail/direct response marketing answers both these challenges admirably (it’s notrepparttar only way to do it but it is a proven method that always works). You can ALWAYS rely on DIRECT MAIL MARKETING. The postcard—direct marketing’s secret weapon…

One ofrepparttar 119672 simplest and most cost-effective forms of direct mail marketing isrepparttar 119673 POSTCARD. Because postcards work so well they can be considered one ofrepparttar 119674 key small business marketing strategies. "I switched from sending out a monthly newsletter to my mailing list, to sending out full color post cards. Not only did it save me money onrepparttar 119675 cost of printing, but it saved merepparttar 119676 hassle of having to preparerepparttar 119677 mailings. Feedback has been very positive from our clients andrepparttar 119678 leads have been pouring in. Plus my website hits have increased due to promotion or it on our post cards!" Kerry Fuller, Realty Executives Direct mail marketing strategies…

To get new customers all you need to do is: 1.Get their identities (mailing lists do this). 2.Reach them (direct mail does this). 3.Attract their attention and get your message across (post cards do this perfectly—you don’t have to open them!). 4.Get them to contact you. (Your mailing piece, letter or, preferably, post card, will do that if it’s well designed and written.)

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