New Years Resolutions And Branding

Written by Alyice Edrich

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New Year's Resolutions By Alyice Edrich Copyright, 2005

Happy NEW YEAR!!!!! I hope you rang inrepparttar 103457 New Year with your loved ones and I pray that you had a wonderful time doing it.

Asrepparttar 103458 New Year approaches, how do you plan to take your business to new heights? Will you cut out unproductive products, services, and marketing tactics? Will you finally have set hours? Will you advertise more and where? Will you hire extra help so you can concentrate on more important tasks?

What ever your goals are, make sure you take a week (maybe even a month) to contemplaterepparttar 103459 direction of your new business, do a little research, determine where you’ve been and where you want to go, and then actually write down a new business plan.

Are you driving customers away from your website?

Written by Terry Henry

As a business owner you knowrepparttar importance of marketing your products. Some companies go to great efforts to brand their business image in various forms of media. Newspaper, radio and television are a few ofrepparttar 103454 old standards. Now we are inrepparttar 103455 digital world with instant content delivery to your customers and 24 hour access to your business information. So why are a lot of businesses not making it onrepparttar 103456 net? It's plain and simple, they lackrepparttar 103457 knowledge and experience that has been acquired by other advertising mediums with very long track records.

Lets look at some mistakes made by business owners and there websites.


This is one area that many business owner and new web designers missrepparttar 103458 mark on. Navigation is nothing more than a way to tell your visitor where everything is located on your site. Some basic rules need to be applied to this area to ensure your visitor does not get frustrated and leave. Keep all navbars (Navigation Bars) located onrepparttar 103459 left side or just belowrepparttar 103460 top ofrepparttar 103461 header (Masthead). These are standards that have been around for a very long time and viewed by many surfers asrepparttar 103462 first place to look and any other method of navigation might confuse them. A site map is also a very important page. This will allow your readers to go to one page and see links to every page onrepparttar 103463 site. For a large site with a lot of content, something else you should consider would be a search feature on your page. Do all you can to makerepparttar 103464 site easy to navigate and you may just find a relationship building between you and your customer.

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