New Year Resolutions Don't Work

Written by John G. Agno

Recently a reporter from an East Coast newspaper asked me a couple of questions about New Year's Resolutions. Here are my answers to these two questions to help us all better understand how our immunity to change takes our attention away from following through on those New Year intentions.

1. What arerepparttar main reasons why most people's new year resolutions fail, and what can they do to insure success?

a. People have competing commitments driven by deeply protected and differing assumptions and beliefs. These competing commitments pull them in opposite directions and cause them to spend a great deal of energy attempting to satisfy each. Examples: I am going to lose 20lbs but I love to eat and drink...or...I am going to change careers/start a new business but I really likerepparttar 101816 security ofrepparttar 101817 paycheck I get fromrepparttar 101818 job I tolerate today.

b. Most people don't respect their strong immunity to change and, therefore, don't developrepparttar 101819 support systems necessary to overcome this powerful and dynamic equilibrium to stayrepparttar 101820 same. However, there is untapped energy to be found if we can become less embedded in our immune system that protects us from change.

c. They don't give their brain enough time and energy to relearn deeply ingrained habits by developing and following a goal-achieving plan through personal determination, practice, repetition andrepparttar 101821 support of others.

3 Trapdoor Interview Questions

Written by James North

These arerepparttar three questions that you should avoid asking at an interview.

Even ifrepparttar 101815 interviewer tries to solicit an answer from you regarding your required salary before making a job offer be cautious and be canny.

The best time to discussrepparttar 101816 salary question is once you have been made an offer.

The following questions will kill your chances of gettingrepparttar 101817 job:

QUESTION ONE What is my salary? Do not ask about salary unless you have a job offer or untilrepparttar 101818 interviewer has raisedrepparttar 101819 subject first and even then adopt a coy approach. This may not happen untilrepparttar 101820 second interview or even later when a job offer has been extended. Ifrepparttar 101821 interviewer pushes for an answer, use your prior research on market rates to give a salary range.

QUESTION TWO How many days holiday/sick leave do I get? Some interviewers may perceive this as a sign of being more concern about yourself thanrepparttar 101822 company. Naturally, you want to get this information, but leave it likerepparttar 101823 salary question, until you have an offer onrepparttar 101824 table.

QUESTION THREE When will I be promoted? This question is impossible to answer. Promotion depends on timing and your performance. Opportunities for promotion depend on change, such as growth and turnover. Questions regarding promotion should be concerned withrepparttar 101825 opportunities for advancement, rather than on a commitment that cannot be given.

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