New Cancer Treatment Promises Hope

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/Lady Camelot

New Cancer Treatment Promises Hope by C. Bailey-Lloyd

Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy (IPHC) with Mitomycin C after Cytoreductive Surgery for Patients with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis - a long, technical term for modern medicine inrepparttar fight against cancer.

I hadrepparttar 115252 rare opportunity to speak with Dr. Perry Shen of Wake Forest University. As I listened, he explained how this groundbreaking treatment is extendingrepparttar 115253 lives of patients suffering from Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. *(Peritoneal membrane surrounds and lubricatesrepparttar 115254 surface of organs withinrepparttar 115255 abdomen; eg., colon, gallbladder, spleen, ovaries, intestines, liver, etc..) Because Advanced-stage Peritoneal carcinomatosis (cancer) and disseminated peritoneal lymphomas are often resistant to current chemotherapy treatment, medical researchers out of Wake Forest University have engaged inrepparttar 115256 study and treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis since 1991.

Dr. John Spratt first began describing using interdominal heated therapy in 1980, and found that this particular method worked well in conjunction with chemotherapy. By giving chemotherapy interdominally with much higher concentrated heat, (41 degrees Celcius - or around 105 degrees Fahrenheit) through tumor-removal surgery,repparttar 115257 heated medicine showed an increase in its effectiveness; thus, decreasing tumors. (1. Cytoreductive surgery consists ofrepparttar 115258 removal of all gross tumors and involved organs, peritoneum, or tissue deemed technically feasible and safe forrepparttar 115259 patient. Any tumors adherent or invasive to vital structures that could not be removes were cytoreduces usingrepparttar 115260 cavitational ultrasonic surgical aspirator.)

Overall survival rates were improved of 109 Patients (with peritoneal carcinomatosis) treated between December 1991 and November 1997. (2. Clinicopathologic factors that independently predicted improved overall survival rates.)

A one-time treatment, IHPC lasts approximately 1-2 hours, but standardly, a 2-hour treatment is utilized by Wake Forest University. Initially, patients are cooled to a core temperature of approximately 34?C to 35?C. Once cooled, peritoneal perfusion inflow and outflow catheters are placed peroutaneously intorepparttar 115261 abdominal cavity. With temperature probes acting as moderators,repparttar 115262 abdomen is gently massaged throughout perfusion to enhance drug distribution to all peritoneal areas. Because tumor tissue is more responsive to heat than normal tissue (due to intrinsic thermosensitivity) IHPC improvesrepparttar 115263 chemosensitivity of tumor cells to Mytomycin C(MMC).

With an average life expectancy of 3-6 months after diagnosis of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis, patients are gaining new hope as IHPC treatment is extending life by as much as 15 months; and a few selected patients' lives have even been extended to 28-30 months.

Indoor Tanning Versus Outdoor Tanning

Written by Angela Maroevich

The benefits of indoor tanning versus outdoor tanning are widely discussed inrepparttar cosmetic and health industries.

It is ultimately up to you to decide which method is healthy and convenient for you.

When you visit an indoor tanning facility, your skin produces a tan inrepparttar 115251 same way that it does when you bask inrepparttar 115252 sun -- throughrepparttar 115253 absorption of ultraviolet light.

================================================= However, one ofrepparttar 115254 dangers of outdoor tanning is exposing yourself to too much ultraviolet light. Climate changes inrepparttar 115255 atmosphere that has many of us slathering on sunblock and sunscreen before we step outside inrepparttar 115256 hot sun. =================================================

One ofrepparttar 115257 benefits of indoor tanning versus outdoor tanning is that it allows you to controlrepparttar 115258 amount of UV light that you are exposed to, so that you do not get a sunburn or prepare your epidermis for a predisposition to skin cancer.

================================================= You cannot control harmful UV rays fromrepparttar 115259 sun anymore than you can controlrepparttar 115260 weather. =================================================

If you compare indoor tanning versus outdoor tanning, outdoor tanning is actually one ofrepparttar 115261 most unreliable ways to achieve that perfect tan. It is, however, a reliable way to achieve a sunburn.

Waiting for a reddish burn to fade to a brown acceleratesrepparttar 115262 aging process.

Indoor tanning equipment utilizesrepparttar 115263 same two kinds of ultraviolet light, UVA and UVB rays that are emitted byrepparttar 115264 sun. Indoor tanning procedures are highly regulated by government agencies in both Canada andrepparttar 115265 United States andrepparttar 115266 equipment is designed to mimicrepparttar 115267 effect of sunlight.

================================================= Exposure times are determined by equipment and trained professionals that take into account previous tanning sessions as well asrepparttar 115268 tanner's skin type. This minimizesrepparttar 115269 possibility ofrepparttar 115270 kind of skin damage that is common with outdoor tanning. =================================================

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