Never Mix Business & Friendship

Written by Terri Seymour

I have heard it said onrepparttar net that you should not become friends with people whom you do business with.

I say, "Why not?" Building personal relationships isrepparttar 106330 foundation of your business success.

Because business should be business and there is no room for making friends and socializing. Friendship interferes with a business relationship by keeping people from makingrepparttar 106331 right business choice forrepparttar 106332 sake ofrepparttar 106333 friendship.

I say, "No way!" Friends understandrepparttar 106334 business decisions you have to make because they sometimes have had to makerepparttar 106335 same ones. If they cannot, they are not a friend!

I have been inrepparttar 106336 Internet marketing business for two years and have made numerous close friends and many casual friends. These relationships have helped me personally and professionally.

Personally, I have hadrepparttar 106337 pleasure of getting to know people from all overrepparttar 106338 world. Interesting people. Professionally, I have learned from all these people and some of them have become my customers. When you build this relationship, you also build trust and people will be more likely to buy from someone they trust.

Treat everyone you meet with respect, courtesy and consideration. This will go a long way in building friendships and your business. Because in doing this, you are building yourself, your reputation and your character. If you appear aloof and rigid, you will be looked upon with skepticism and mistrust. This will do nothing for your business or reputation, but it will probably keep you from making any friends. If that is your goal, you will then do well.

Packaging Success

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

If success and achievement came in a package or a bottle, what would it look like? Would it be wrapped in satin and tied with a 14-carat ribbon? Wouldrepparttar bottle that contained achievement be as deep as a ruby or as clear as an emerald?

Picture yourself as havingrepparttar 106329 task of packaging these two aspects of life so that everyone would stop and pick them off a shelf. Are you up to this type of task or wouldrepparttar 106330 very opportunity of facing success and achievement make you feel inadequate and unable to perform this feat?

Well, there it is - right there before you every single day!

The offer is a standing offer - you arerepparttar 106331 person chosen to do this monumental marketing strategy. If you look over your shoulder, there doesn't seem to be anyone else in line, but you feel this just can't be so. The thoughts race through your mind - ifrepparttar 106332 world leaves this job to me, what if I mess it up or my ideas are just not right? You are given free reign in deciding how to market success and achievement. There is a time limit in increments of 24 hours and no apparent deadlines. Grab your best pencil, a piece of paper, and start planning. Surely you jest, is right now forming on your lips.

No, there is no lighthearted note here. It is serious and it is vital. If you don't placerepparttar 106333 concept of success and achievement inrepparttar 106334 right package and bottle, it will lie dormant and collect dust on shelves acrossrepparttar 106335 world. If you ever thought it would not be so far-reaching, just touchrepparttar 106336 keys on your computer and you can reach individuals who have never stepped foot onrepparttar 106337 land you live in or do not understand a word you say for they do not speak your language.

The package containing success and achievement must resemble an ability to keep going albeitrepparttar 106338 odds, to glow inrepparttar 106339 small steps it takes to reachrepparttar 106340 top as well asrepparttar 106341 spotlight atrepparttar 106342 mountain peak, and it must resemble an open invitation to everyone else to add to your quest, give advice, and benefit fromrepparttar 106343 results. Your striving for excellence, whether or not to actually touch it, isrepparttar 106344 glimmer and shimmer ofrepparttar 106345 product. When you can treasurerepparttar 106346 petals of a flower as well as a jewel-studded pin, if you can have heartfelt respect for someone with age that has struggled and traveled onrepparttar 106347 road you now trek as well as marvel at a small child taking their first steps, and when you cry as deeply atrepparttar 106348 hurt of another as you do your own pain, thenrepparttar 106349 opulent packaging of success and achievement is coming into reality.

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