Never Limit Your Future

Written by Elisha Burke

Copyright 2005 Elisha Burke

Never limit you future byrepparttar shape of your past. This time-worn truism is still around for a good reason. We still need to be reminded of that, especially as we move forward with our goals, whatever they may be.

Never limit your future byrepparttar 150190 shape of past. As I thought about that statement I realized that history bears witness to many who have overcome horrible pasts and moved on to be very successful in their lives. Many of our current heroes and heroines have overcome poverty, child abuse, serious illness and disabilities to become successful in their chosen fields of endeavor.

I am reminded of successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Dolly Parton,repparttar 150191 late Ray Charles, Loretta Lynne, President William J. Clinton and many others. All of them overcame great obstacles to achieverepparttar 150192 success that was in them.

Overcoming one's past to achieve success is not limited to those who achieve great fame or fortune, but to everyday people like you and me. Each of us likely has something in our past that could have prevented us from getting to where we are now.

What you sow you reap!

Written by Carl Cholette

Go intorepparttar fields and country lanes inrepparttar 150052 spring-time, and you will see farmers and gardeners busy sowing seeds in repparttar 150053 newly prepared soil. If you were to ask any one of those gardeners or farmers what kind of produce he expected from repparttar 150054 seed he was sowing, he would doubtless regard you as foolish, and would tell you that he does not "expect" at all, that it is a matter of common knowledge that his produce will be ofrepparttar 150055 kind which he is sowing, and that he is sowing wheat, or barley, or turnips, asrepparttar 150056 case may be, in order to reproduce that particular kind.

Every fact and process in Nature contains a moral lesson for repparttar 150057 wise man. There is no law inrepparttar 150058 world of Nature around us which is not to be found operating withrepparttar 150059 same mathematical certainty inrepparttar 150060 mind of man and in human life. Allrepparttar 150061 parables of Jesus are illustrative of this truth, and are drawn fromrepparttar 150062 simple facts of Nature. There is a process of seed-sowing inrepparttar 150063 mind and life a spiritual sowing which leads to a harvest according torepparttar 150064 kind of seed sown. Thoughts, words, and acts are seeds sown, and, byrepparttar 150065 inviolable law of things, they produce after their kind. The man who thinks hateful thoughts brings hatred upon himself. The man who thinks loving thoughts is loved. The man whose thoughts, words and acts are sincere, is surrounded by sincere friends;repparttar 150066 insincere man is surrounded by insincere friends. The man who sows wrong thoughts and deeds, and prays that God will bless him, is inrepparttar 150067 position of a farmer who, having sown tares, asks God to bring forth for him a harvest of wheat.

"That which ye sow, ye reap; see yonder fields, The sesamum was sesamum,repparttar 150068 corn Was corn;repparttar 150069 silence andrepparttar 150070 darkness knew; So is a man's fate born."

"He cometh reaper ofrepparttar 150071 things he sowed." He who would be blest, let him scatter blessings. He who would be happy, let him considerrepparttar 150072 happiness of others.

Then there is another side to this seed sowing. The farmer must scatter all his seed uponrepparttar 150073 land, and then leave it torepparttar 150074 elements. Were he to covetously hoard his seed, he would lose both it and his produce, for his seed would perish. It perishes when he sows it, but in perishing it brings forth a great abundance. So in life, we get by giving; we grow rich by scattering. The man who says he is in possession of knowledge which he cannot give out becauserepparttar 150075 world is incapable of receiving it, either does not possess such knowledge, or, if he does, will soon be deprived of it - if he is not already so deprived. To hoard is to lose; to exclusively retain is to be dispossessed.

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