Networking is Like Playing the Piano

Written by Janice D. Byer, MVA

For anyone who has ever read articles I have written or asked me for helpful tips for getting their business up and going, you know that I truly believe that networking is one ofrepparttar most important aspects to building a successful business. The spoken word has an awesome power for any entrepreneur.

Networking, in relation to running your business, is not just attending events that allow you to meet new contacts and exchange business cards. Networking is any time you talk about your business. Whether you are at a social event and you getrepparttar 121172 chance to bring uprepparttar 121173 wonders of being a small business owner or you bump into an old college friend and you swap stories about what has happened in your lives since you last saw each other, anytime you get to tell someone about your business, that is networking and you should jump atrepparttar 121174 chance.

Even when you chat onrepparttar 121175 email discussion lists that you belong to and use your signature line, that is networking. There are so many opportunities to network every day.

But (and I am sure some of you can relate to this)repparttar 121176 hardest part of networking can be “what do I say?” How do you let them knowrepparttar 121177 great aspects of your business without over doing it or sounding full of yourself?

Well, there are many contributing factors when it comes to saying justrepparttar 121178 right thing at justrepparttar 121179 right time, factors that will influence how well you impress others and whether you leave a positive lasting effect. First and foremost, what arerepparttar 121180 circumstances of your encounter? Are you at an organized networking event or are you chatting with a friend? More often than not, your attitude and professionalism will be determined by your surroundings.

You will also have to play it by ear at times. You need to get a feel of how much your listener wants to hear. If someone comes right out and asks, “What do you do?”, don’t refrain. This is a perfect opportunity to describe your business. But, there are two things to remember… one, don’t over talk; and two, give your audience a chance to talk about themselves as well.

The Power of Word of Mouth

Written by Janice D. Byer, MVA

Most of us rememberrepparttar commercial that said, “I told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and…”, well you getrepparttar 121171 picture. This commercial, which represented Breck Hair Shampoo, ran so many times that even I remember whorepparttar 121172 commercial represented.

The reason I mention this particular commercial is not because ofrepparttar 121173 number of times it was aired but rather because ofrepparttar 121174 message it was sending. This company knewrepparttar 121175 importance of potential clients hearing something about their product or service that impressed someone else.

It’s called Word of Mouth and it can make or breakrepparttar 121176 success of almost every aspect of our lives, especially our business lives. In our personal lives, if we like something, we will talk positively about it to others. This, in turn, will show them that this is something good and that they should check it out.

It could be anything from a favourite plant that flowers throughoutrepparttar 121177 growing season, to a fabulous doctor who hasrepparttar 121178 bedside manner of an angel. If we are happy about something, we will likely talk about it to others.

In our business lives, positive word of mouth generates referrals and referrals generate business. So, word of mouth is one ofrepparttar 121179 most important marketing tools that can contribute to our success. What could be better than a customer mentioning how pleased they were with a service you provided to others who may need this service? Free advertising… that’s what word of mouth is.

Not only do we love to berepparttar 121180 recipient of positive word of mouth, we should also realize that others are inrepparttar 121181 same boat as us and rely on word of mouth to help them succeed as well. So, if you like something, be sure to tell others about it, especially if they are in need of something you had a great experience with.

For example, for months I have been trying to find a backup software to use on my new computer. I tried several and was not impressed with how they performed orrepparttar 121182 extent of their customer service. It would sometimes take over a week to get a response. Well, I finally came across this little, cheapy program that said it would do what I wanted it to do. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. And… I was very happy withrepparttar 121183 outcome. At one point I had problems and in one afternoon, after several emails back and forth withrepparttar 121184 author ofrepparttar 121185 software, I was up and running again… no problem. This tiny little company impressed me so much that I have recommended his software to as many people as possible…including you. Check outrepparttar 121186 Backup Assistant at

Word of mouth is also known as a verbal testimonial. The words of praise literally come right fromrepparttar 121187 horse’s mouth. It’s a very powerful recommendation to physically hear someone bestowingrepparttar 121188 virtues of a certain product or service, orrepparttar 121189 company behind this great find.

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