Networking - It's Important!

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Networking opportunities are everywhere. Don't let them pass you by.

1. Recognize that there is more to networking than greeting people. Develop a step-by-step plan for how you'll build relationships and how you can effectively tell your story. Don't forget your 30 second commercial to tell your story.

2. Zero in on specific groups of people. Who arerepparttar ideal prospects for your business? Do they live nearby? What activities do they participate in? Try networking groups meetings. For those of us in lease purchasing we network with real estate agents, accountants, financial planners, and a multitude of others.

3. Determine where you'll be most likely to find your ideal prospects. Do they belong to specific organizations or associations? Do they frequent particular events, performances or recreational facilities? Again, for those of us in lease purchasing, investors, buyers and sellers are justrepparttar 104767 beginning.

4. Identify organizations, events, professional groups and social clubs whose members meet your profile characteristics, and get involved. Get to know people, and let them know what you do. Volunteer for committees, attend conferences, and maximize opportunities that might spin off fromrepparttar 104768 formal sessions. For those of you in lease purchasing, and even other businesses, become an expert. Give seminars, speeches, write articles. Become involved and get your name out there.

5. Work on your ability to make small talk. Have some prepared topics in mind—current events, sports, vacation plans. And be sure to ask open-ended questions ofrepparttar 104769 other person like "What is it you enjoy most about your work, or where you live or your free time?" Remember, too, that having a good conversation depends greatly on being an active, courteous listener. Again, your thirty second commercial is a must. And let's emphasize again being a good and courteous listener.

6. Explore organizations dedicated to business networking. Chambers of commerce, tenant associations and networking clubs offer opportunities for you to meet and greet. Look forrepparttar 104770 groups in your area. Many times your local paper has a certain day ofrepparttar 104771 week that lists all of these types of meetings. If you don't see it, call your paper and ask about it.

7 Ways to Keep Your Team Motivated

Written by Kelley Robertson

7 Ways To Keep Your Team Motivated

Many managers mistakenly think that money isrepparttar prime motivator for their employees. However, according to surveys by several different companies, money is consistently ranked five or lower by most employees. So if money is notrepparttar 104766 best way to motivate your team, what is?

The three most important issues according to employees are; respect, a sense of accomplishment, and recognition. Yes, money is important but it is not as critical as these other components. Taking these into consideration, let’s explore seven ways to keep your team motivated:

1. Involve them. Many employees want to be involved inrepparttar 104767 ongoing development and progress of their company. Plus, they often have insightful ideas that can make a significant difference inrepparttar 104768 company. And when they are involved, they buy-in faster and resist less. This means you can implementrepparttar 104769 change(s) more quickly and easily.

2. Communicate. Very few businesses can be accused of over-communicating. A frequent axiom in business is, “No news is good news.” However, employees want regular updates onrepparttar 104770 progress ofrepparttar 104771 business and their personal performance. Use memos, email, telephone, and one-on-one and group meetings to keep your team apprised. Talk to your team members regularly, have lunch or coffee with them, Let them know ifrepparttar 104772 business is on track. Tell them what challenges are currently being faced (they may have suggestions). It is also important that you give them feedback on their performance. If you have a concern with a specific component, tell them and give themrepparttar 104773 opportunity to correct their behavior. When I worked inrepparttar 104774 corporate world I was always surprised how many employees did not receive feedback of any kind pertaining to their performance.

3. Celebrate individual and team performance. Catch people doing something right and focus on recognizing excellent performance. On an individual basis you can provide positive reinforcement, issue awards, use a corporate newsletter to highlight specific achievements. Send thank-you, birthday, and anniversary cards as well as congratulatory notes. Make personal phone calls, and send emails. Better yet, if you work in a large organization, have a senior executive sendrepparttar 104775 email or makerepparttar 104776 call.

To recognize team efforts, post performance charts onrepparttar 104777 wall or throw an impromptu get-together., Treat them to lunch or a pizza party, post team pictures on your Intranet and in their work environment or give them plaques, certificates, coffee mugs, etc.

Ultimately,repparttar 104778 more of these approaches you incorporate into your motivation strategy,repparttar 104779 more energized your team will become. Make it a point to recognize someone everyday.

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