Networking - How to do it

Written by Alan Fairweather

Networking is probablyrepparttar oldest, easiest, most effective and least expensive way to get more business. It doesn't necessarily involve selling your product or service but it does mean selling yourself. However, that doesn't involve a lot of talking - it does involve a lot of listening.

Networking is about making connections with people and building a network of meaningful relationships.

Having good relationships means - these people will either do business with you and/or recommend you to others. These people are your unpaid sales-force and you've got to ensure that they do a good job.

Here are 9 steps to successful networking:

#1 Be prepared - Particularly if you're attending a formal networking event likerepparttar 138275 Chamber of Commerce -

#2 Think about whom you'll be meeting - Consider what your opening remarks or questions will be. And think about what you're going to say when they question you.

#3 Make sure you have lots of business cards, a small notebook and a pen - These should be easily accessible and not involve a rummage through pockets or a bag to find them.

Reminder - NEVER go anywhere without business cards

#4 You don't necessarily need brochures - These can be sent when you follow up later. A networking event is not a place to sell you product or service. (This is not understood byrepparttar 138276 people who have boredrepparttar 138277 pants off me overrepparttar 138278 years)

#5 Think about what you're going to wear - I've seen people rush into a networking event in clothes that look like they've been slept in. If it means having a change of clothes inrepparttar 138279 office or going home to freshen up - then do it. Remember,repparttar 138280 image you present to other people isrepparttar 138281 image they'll have of your business. Men should wear a bright tie (not cheap) and women should wear something bright. Remember, however - business dress, not sexy.

Sales Letters - How to Write Them

Written by Alan Fairweather

You could just send out your brochure to potential customers but it's much better to personalise your mailing with a well written sales letter.

Personalise - Usingrepparttar person's name in a sales letter will give yourepparttar 138274 greatest success. It's feasible to address sales letters to - "Dear Transport Manager" or "Dear Friend" or "Dear Sir or Madam" or no salutation at all. However this lessens your chances of getting a response.

You must have a good headline - You've got to grabrepparttar 138275 reader's attention as quickly as possible. There must be a reason for them to read on. The same rules apply that you'd use in your advertising or your brochure; you need to start with words such as - "How to" or "Discover" or "The Secrets of"

Start with an anecdote - Introduce your message with a short relevant story. For example, you might use something like this if you were introducing a management training program - "Seventy percent of employees don't leave their job they leave their manager" You'd then provide supportive statistics and give details onrepparttar 138276 cost of staff turnover. You would then go on to show how you could reduce these costs and improve productivity through your training program

Lots of "You" and no "I" or "We" - Make each letter sound like you're speaking to that individual rather than to a group of people

It needs to tellrepparttar 138277 reader what's in it for them - Tell them how they will personally benefit, how their business will benefit and/or how their problem will be resolved

Be believable - Don't make "fantastic" claims for your product or service - your letter has to be credible

Writerepparttar 138278 letter as if you were speaking torepparttar 138279 person - It has to sound human - warm, friendly, sincere; not too businesslike. Read your letter out loud and if it sounds pompous or businesslike - re-write it

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