Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts

Written by Andrew Abernathy

Changing Negative Thoughts into Positive Thoughts is a key lesson to becoming healthy and successful.

How did you do on beginning your day with one of our key thought words? If you missed a day, don't worry, just pick up and continue each day. You'll see a pattern forming and your mental conditioning will get better and better over time.

Now for another daily helper. Even when we start out with a positive mental frame of mind and respond with a positive word, I'll bet you have negative thoughts about all kind of stuff all day long. You think about how "she didn't get her work done" and how "it isn't fair when you get all yours done and no one seems to notice". Or you get all bothered aboutrepparttar guy that parked inrepparttar 123009 space next to you so it is hard for you to get into your car atrepparttar 123010 end ofrepparttar 123011 day. Or even more importantly, you think you can't ever get up and deliver that monthly progress report in front ofrepparttar 123012 entire department, you are sure you are going to make a fool of yourself.

All these and a hundred other little nagging negative thoughts about yourself and others. I've got a news flash for you. All those negative thoughts stem from part of our mental design. To some extent, you can't help thinking negatively. It is part ofrepparttar 123013 old primitive man protection mechanism. When you are out inrepparttar 123014 wild suspicion is a good thing. Until you know how something is going to react your suspicions could and do keep your attention focused and in turn raise your chances of staying alive.

In today's world we don't face bears, lions or even rabid dogs very often, butrepparttar 123015 suspicious, negative bent of our mind is still working just fine. The results are all those negative thoughts aboutrepparttar 123016 people around us andrepparttar 123017 self-doubt most of us have. But you can change your mental thought patterns.

The principle of PINT says that if you think it it will happen, eventually. So if you think about how you are going to look foolish making that departmental report, guess what..... you probably will. Turn it around. tell yourself you will do just fine, in fact you are going to be a hit after you make that report. You see most of your brain is not conscious of your world, just what you feed it. If you feed negative thoughts, then your mind will build a world of suspicion, defeat and even hate. To change that you have to "Hang Outrepparttar 123018 paNTs."

What do I mean by this? It's pretty simple. Just hang out all those Negative Thoughts. Once you get them out intorepparttar 123019 open you see how ugly they are and you won't want to keep them around. Even better turn them around from negative to positive.

Fear of a Foolish presentation => Becomes: a Fantastic presentation Peeved at Crooked parking => Becomes: "They're probably having a terrible day. " Unfair working conditions => Becomes: Focus on my work, not others. Set my own higher standards and watch me succeed Indignant anger for hose People! Who do they think they are? => Becomes: "I wonder why they feel that way. I should find out more about them."

How are you feeling? It's more of a brain question than you think.

Written by Andrew Abernathy

How you respond to How are You reveals a great deal about you.

"Hi! How are you?" "Not bad, you?"

How many times have you started a conversation this way? I'll bet you do it nearly every time you say hello. We have been trained torepparttar cultural activity of inquiring of our friends and acquaintances well being, even if we don't really care. It'srepparttar 123008 civil thing to do. But I'm going to focus on your response to this ubiquitous question.

Last month I introducedrepparttar 123009 PINT concept (Put It iN Thought), now I'm going to expand this concept to how it can begin to really make a change in your daily life. If you remember, PINT makes thoughts reality. When we extend what we say asrepparttar 123010 reflection of what we are thinking PINT becomes our reality.

Now if I respond torepparttar 123011 ever present "how are you?" question with something like "OK, I guess" then I am reflecting indecision or even negative thoughts about how I feel or even who I think I am. If I respond with "Man, my shoulder is really killing me this morning. I must have slept on it wrong again." Then I am letting my physical condition rule my mental condition. Hurt and pain are negative impulses made to inform us of a dangerous or inappropriate activity. It is negative response to a negative activity. You body is saying 'Quit that, it hurts!'

I'm going out on a limb here for a bunch of you, but I have proven this over and over again in my own life. Overrepparttar 123012 past two years I have purposefully changed how I respond to this simple question. I always answer with a positive. I'm not just great, I'm Fantastic, Happy, Gigantic or even Awesome. You see when I overcomerepparttar 123013 physical and emotional aches and pains with a positive response I begin to feel better. It's just putting PINT into practice. Thoughts become reality after all. Your non-conscious brain doesn't knowrepparttar 123014 difference.

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