Need a great Family or On-Your_Own Winter Activity?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach

Whenrepparttar holidays are over, and winter sets in, sometimes we’re looking for things to do. The same can be said of retirement, or if you’re just ready for a change-of-pace in your life, and a new interest.

Well, if you start planning now, by this time next year you could be watching a lot of interesting things in your own back yard by turning it into a Backyard Wildlife Habitat. An official wildlife habitat provides wildlife with food, water, cover and places to raise their young. It has allrepparttar 111254 requirements for a fascinating, meaningful, beautiful and pleasurable hobby that also can be economical.

Leisa Royce’s yard was certified in 2002. “Here in Kentucky,” she writes, “our land is paved over and disappearing atrepparttar 111255 rate of 100 acres a day and with that so doesrepparttar 111256 wildlife as they have no food or nesting sources to raise their young.” The benefit is not all torepparttar 111257 wildlife, though. “Using native plants and reducing your lawn area helps to protect natural resources and requires less watering,” she writes, “and cuts down on chemical pesticide use and fertilizers.”

Since starting her habitat, Lisa has identified 65 species of birds and 48 species of butterflies. Think ofrepparttar 111258 beauty! Think ofrepparttar 111259 learning opportunities! Visit Lisa’s beautiful website and take a look around: .

If you want to learn how to attract birds, butterflies and other creatures to your backyard,repparttar 111260 National Wildlife Federation has lots of guides - . On their site, they’ll help you create an online habitat and a species list complete with photos. They offer advice and will even certify your yard. You can also create a habitat area at your workplace, or encourage your employer to, letting areas go “natural.” Steelcase, Inc., in Kentwood and Grand Rapids, Michigan is one example of a company which has done this.

They were certified ( ) in February 2002. On their property of 640 acres in a rural Kentwood, and 287 acres in urban Grand Rapids, they providerepparttar 111261 four habitat elements: food, water, cover and places to raise young. The benefits?

Besides feeling good and doing good, they say they save $1000 an acre each year in lawn maintenance.

A work or family project such as this is a great way to build community. Asrepparttar 111262 NWF says, “Habitat work days can be used for staff development or as volunteer opportunities.”

It’s also a bonding activity for your family, and a great thing to do withrepparttar 111263 grandchildren, as well as a wonderful source of joy and beauty. If you live alone, you’ll definitely increase your level of “companionship”. GUIDES FOR YOUR AREA

You’ll need to know some things about your own region ofrepparttar 111264 country. “Mammal Tracks” will tell you how to identifyrepparttar 111265 tracks you’re seeing, by zip code - and here you will find a guide to plants and animals in your area that are best avoided (though they play a role inrepparttar 111266 ecology, dangerous or poisonous as they are) - .


Regardless of where you live orrepparttar 111267 size of your property, you can get wild birds to come to your backyard easily. Go here to learn how: , with advice specific to your region ofrepparttar 111268 country.


Perhaps you’re wondering what might come along with this, like snakes, insects andrepparttar 111269 like, and what to do, if anything, about cats.

Here you will find answers to common questions like what to do when there’s a baby bird hopping around in your yard, or ladybugs infesting your house, or a snake crawling around.

“Anticipating” Your IRS Refund Can Cost You Plenty

Written by James H. Dimmitt

While accountants are reaching for aspirin, millions of Americans are reaching for some fast cash this tax season. Unfortunately, those who reach for fast cash inrepparttar form of a “refund anticipation loan” are getting hit with interest rates and fees that are out of this world.

The tempting ads are plastered in newspapers and on television for “fast cash refunds”, “express refunds”, or “instant refunds.” The ads offer to get your refund in a day or two, or in some cases even instantly.

What is a “refund anticipation loan”? It’s a loan that borrows against your anticipated tax refund fromrepparttar 111253 IRS. Refund anticipation loans, or RAL’s as they are known inrepparttar 111254 tax industry, carry annual percentage rates (APR’s) of about 60% to over 700%, a fact that many consumers either don’t realize or simply overlook.

RAL’s are marketed to people who need moneyrepparttar 111255 most such as low and moderate income workers. A report byrepparttar 111256 National Consumer Law Center notes that “about 40% ofrepparttar 111257 12 million refund loan customers in 2000, were families who receivedrepparttar 111258 Earned Income Tax Credit,repparttar 111259 largest federal poverty assistance program.” And sincerepparttar 111260 RAL’s often userepparttar 111261 term “refund” in their ads, many of those who takerepparttar 111262 bait don’t realize that they’re receiving a loan and not their actual refund fromrepparttar 111263 IRS.

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