Need Additional Business Funds? Stop Right There!

Written by Mark Askew

Looking for additional capital to fund your next marketing campaign or to expand your business. Hold It! Stop right there. Small business owners seeking additional marketing funds may only need to look no further than there own back yards. And in this particular case their own homes and driveways as well.

How so? The next best thing to looking for funds is saving money. Before venturing off torepparttar lending institution why not brain storm ideas that will help you save money. For instance, can you cut back onrepparttar 112627 amount of print and copy paper you're using? Can you reduce travel expenses?

Before making any additional major purchases considerrepparttar 112628 fact thatrepparttar 112629 less equipment you buyrepparttar 112630 less servicing you'll have to pay for. Do you really need that updated laptop, monitor, telephone system, etc? Can you cut down on shipping costs, Long distance calls and employee perks? If your equipment leasing contract is up for renewal can you find a better deal?

The time is ripe for refinancing. If you have a number of business loans and credit card debt considering refinancing to a lower rate. Can you refinancerepparttar 112631 company car as well as your personal and family vehicles?

While you're at it have you thought about refinancing your home? True,repparttar 112632 home loan refinancing wave has definitely passed us by. Refinancing applications recently fell over 70 percent lower than inrepparttar 112633 last week of May 2003. Still home refinancing demand is strong as 29% of homeowners have not yet refinanced.

Mark Askew, founder ofrepparttar 112634 Mortgage Loan Rate Network does not believe this meansrepparttar 112635 days of bargain home loan refinancing has ended. “With mortgage rates fluctuating inrepparttar 112636 upward direction many are asking whether now is a bad time to refinance a home loan?” Mark explains. “Although mortgage rates have increased, rates are still at attractive lows. Withrepparttar 112637 refinance wave passing fewer loan applications to process can mean improved loan processing and disbursement time. This can be a significant motivator for those seekingrepparttar 112638 cash out refinancing option.”

Preparing a Budget

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Ok, you say, I know I need a budget, but how do I prepare one? The most common budget period is one year, but this can vary depending on whether or not your business has seasonal or cyclical fluctuations. For example if you run a Christmas decorations shop, or a costume shop your business is going to peak during certain times ofrepparttar year.

The budgeting process usually begins withrepparttar 112626 collection of accounting data. In order to prepare a strong and achievable budget, you must analyze each item of income and expense fromrepparttar 112627 prior year. If your accounting system is a mess andrepparttar 112628 figures are inaccurate,repparttar 112629 numbers used in your budget will be useless. This is why it is so important to keep good records. Quicken and Quickbooks are excellent programs to help you with setting up an accounting system that is easy to use and understand.

If you can review your prior year’s figures with confidence, try to cultivate your strong areas and look for ways to increase performance or volume. For example, if one particular product sold well, take a closer look at that product. What you did to market it, etc. and try to model your other products inrepparttar 112630 same vein to accomplishrepparttar 112631 same results.

You also need to analyze your weak spots. If possible, set up some type of internal control overrepparttar 112632 weak areas. A cost analysis will help you determine if you are actually making money onrepparttar 112633 sale of a certain product. This is a big problem with new business owners. They don’t dorepparttar 112634 research or due diligence in determiningrepparttar 112635 need for their product. In effect, they spend a great deal of time and money with a product that is never even going to break even. You cannot get emotionally tied to your product. If it is not selling, let it go and move on to what is selling.

If your business is in its first year, your budget will involve a little more homework. Keep in mind that a budget is an expression of your goals. Try to determinerepparttar 112636 number of billable hours you might reasonably expect to charge for within a year’s time. If you are in sales, try to establishrepparttar 112637 number of items you will be able to sell. After determiningrepparttar 112638 revenue portion, you should look to your expenses.

Some expenses, like rent, will be fixed because they do not change from month to month. For example, if your office space rent is $3,000 per month, you must still pay $3,000 per month, regardless of whether or not you have made any sales or earned any income. This is why working out of a home office, if you can, is so much better. You can substantially cut your rental costs down.

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