Need A Solution For Trouble? Try This Breath Of Fresh Air!

Written by Richard Vegas

I just heardrepparttar story of a man who hired a plumber to restore an old farmhouse. After he had finished a rough first day onrepparttar 123607 job he realized he had a flat tire which made him lose an hour of work; then his electric drill quit, and then his truck refused to start. As his customer drove him home,repparttar 123608 plumber sat in stony silence.

Hmm…I wonder where this is going? Well, when they arrived atrepparttar 123609 plumbers home he asked his customer in to meet his family. As they walked towardrepparttar 123610 front door,repparttar 123611 plumber paused briefly and stared at a small tree without saying a word. He reached out very tenderly touchingrepparttar 123612 tips ofrepparttar 123613 branches with both hands, took a deep breath and thenrepparttar 123614 two of them walked inside.

Age Before Beauty!

After openingrepparttar 123615 front door,repparttar 123616 plumber went through an amazing transformation. His tanned face lit up and he was ear to ear smiles. His customer, very curious, watched asrepparttar 123617 plumber scooped up his two small children with those big burly hands and then kissed his wife.

Afterward,repparttar 123618 plumber walked his customer torepparttar 123619 car. As they passedrepparttar 123620 same treerepparttar 123621 customer's curiosity gotrepparttar 123622 better of him. He asked him aboutrepparttar 123623 tree and what he had seen him do earlier.

Greater Love Hath No Man!

Oh, saidrepparttar 123624 plumber, that's my trouble tree. He went on to say, "I know I can't help having troubles onrepparttar 123625 job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't belong inrepparttar 123626 house with my wife and children".

So, I just hang them up onrepparttar 123627 tree every night when I come home and ask God to take care of them. Then inrepparttar 123628 morning, when I leave for work, I pick them up again.

He said, "funny thing is, and smiled, when I come out inrepparttar 123629 morning to pick them up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging uprepparttar 123630 night before".

As I read this story I thought of allrepparttar 123631 methods and techniques that I have used overrepparttar 123632 years to renew my mind. And, clean outrepparttar 123633 subconscious of undesirable thoughts that everyday troubles attempt to gain a stronghold over.

And, once again I realize that it'srepparttar 123634 simple things in life that can haverepparttar 123635 most profound affects. We have been programmed to believe thatrepparttar 123636 bigger,repparttar 123637 more complicated,repparttar 123638 more expensive,repparttar 123639 more difficult things and solutions are,repparttar 123640 more valuable they must be in every way.

I mean everybody believes that more is better, right? Obviously, not in everything, because I've never seen anything that is right for everybody.

It Just Goes To Show You!

Well, I gaverepparttar 123641 plumber's technique a test and, here is what I learned. It's notrepparttar 123642 technique, butrepparttar 123643 attitude. I mean my Lord, you could go outside and rub every branch off of every tree in sight, tillrepparttar 123644 crack of dawn, and not get remove one trouble. So, that's notrepparttar 123645 answer.

When I started to pick mine uprepparttar 123646 next morning, I stopped and said, whoa!! Dummy. Leave em there. And, I tell you something, sure it was symbolically, but it made my step a little lighter and my countenance a little brighter.

But, once you find your "plumbers tree" or, whatever you can relate too, and decide to make that your holding tank forrepparttar 123647 day's troubles, then you can inform your subconscious that all troubles are to be left there. Then,repparttar 123648 next morning you can pick them up on your way out.

The Price of Ambition--How Much Fun You Can Have

Written by Miami Phillips

I am sore tonight! This soreness is all because of ambition!

We decided that we wanted horses. You know, a horse farm, inrepparttar country, with rolling fields of deep green grass; a handsome barn, full of sweet smelling hay and shavings forrepparttar 123605 stalls. The barn would have a separate room forrepparttar 123606 well-oiled and well-worn saddles and tack so we could throwrepparttar 123607 saddle on and go for a ride whenever we desired.

Of course, we would also probably need a round pen to exercise and train, and maybe a lunging pen when needed. The lake onrepparttar 123608 farm would be clear and deep, full of fish, with a nice stream flowing away down to keeprepparttar 123609 bubbling creek running.

OK, so we got what we wanted. Only it isn’t quite likerepparttar 123610 dream. For starters,repparttar 123611 field is a little overgrown with pine scrub, and weeds that have grown into trees with thorns! I don’t remember ever seeing briars an inch thick before!

Somehowrepparttar 123612 rain runoff has managed to create these red clay gulleys inrepparttar 123613 fields that have to be filled in beforerepparttar 123614 horses are delivered so they don’t break their legs. Oh, andrepparttar 123615 barn. Well, we still have to build it!

The lake is there! The only downside isrepparttar 123616 beavers that seem to love all trees exceptrepparttar 123617 briars and thorn trees. They do a great job of building dams with our nice trees that they cut down duringrepparttar 123618 night while we sleep. They were cute when we got here, but it gets a little old tearing out dams and having them built back that night using our good trees! It is full of fish though! At least, that is what I heard. I have been too busy to go fishing.

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