Natural Cosmetics

Written by Maggie Ng

In a world full of technology, machines and elements,repparttar only thing protecting our bodies is our skin. Did you know we spend around 6 to 20 percent of our disposable income on products for our skin? Our skin is important to us and most of us will do anything to preserve its youth and longevity. But do we ever think about what we put on our skin every day?

Sure, many products claim to be safe or may even appear to be safe, but beyondrepparttar 114826 short term benefits of usingrepparttar 114827 cosmetic, there are long term effects from daily absorption of its use. Creams that are suppose to treat dry skin may actually striprepparttar 114828 skin of its natural oils, which are useful in preventing dryness. Some contain chemicals that seep throughrepparttar 114829 skin and defatrepparttar 114830 skin.

Natural Beauty: What is it really?

Written by Lori Stryker

Natural beauty isrepparttar ideal many people strive to achieve when they purchase make-up, creams, shampoos and other forms of cosmetics. But what really constitutes natural beauty, and how can it be achieved?

Many consumers, in an attempt to cleanse, tone, moisturize, mattify, shine, colour, enhance and so on, have overloaded their skin and their cabinets with too many needless products. Experts have found that 63 percent of all women complain of having developed 'sensitive skin', and many of these complaints can be traced back to an overcomplicated skin care regimen (Fairley, 2001). In contrast,repparttar 114825 needs of human skin are simple. They are cleansing, moisture, nourishment and protection. Skin which suffers from burning, reddening, pimples, rashes and other symptoms similar to these may be caused by or made worse from adverse reactions torepparttar 114826 cosmetic products overloading many women's cabinets. Often many of these products claim to alleviate or eliminaterepparttar 114827 very symptoms they are causing (Begoun, 1991).

When selecting skin care, it is best to choose a product formulated for your skin type. Everyone's skin is individual and varied, but to assist in product selection, and in understanding what your own skin needs,repparttar 114828 following skin types have been generalized.

Balanced, which is neither oily nor dry, and similar torepparttar 114829 skin type of children. Oily Dry Sensitive, which is a condition involving reddening, burning or rashes when a cosmetic is applied. Problem, which is prone to acne and breakouts. Combination, which is most skin, containing oily and dry patches.

Beautiful skin can be obtained by making good choices for your skin, such as using cosmetic products and make-up which are truly natural. Eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, water and healthy oils (such as polyunsaturated fats, essential fatty acids found in flax seed oil, olive oil, etc.) all assist in achieving and maintaining healthy skin. Lastly, adequate rest, sleep and exercise also contribute significantly to beautiful skin.

Simple Skin Care Steps:

Gentle cleansing - depending on your skin type or preference, choose a natural soap. Toning - use a toner which is alcohol-free, infused with essential oils Daytime moisturizing - light or rich skin moisturizer Nighttime moisturizing - use facial oils formulated with essential oils


Choose make-up which is made with all natural ingredients and colours, regardless of one's age. All faces look fresh and naturally beautiful when colours which reflectrepparttar 114830 earth's vibrant range of hues are applied. Rainbow-like colours, or deep, dramatic shades cannot be obtained naturally in make-up without synthetically derived colours. These colours rarely look natural, are often trendy and go out of style quickly.

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